Sunday, February 26, 2012
Exception handling in Triggers.
exception handling in triggers (errors and rollbacks) ?
From 'Inside' :
ROLLBACK (because of a fatal error or an
explicit ROLLBACK command), the entire batch is aborted.
As I read this :
From within a trigger any FK or relational constraint
violation results in a fatal error aborting the complete
batch (and complete transaction).
Is this correct ?
What if there was no transaction start ?
In the QA, does the QA supply a transaction
(increase the transaction count) if no transaction
was started ?
When sending several statements, it appears
that all statements are rolled back. (Are handled
as one transaction).
Does something similar happen when doing
similar statements from application programs ?
Thanks for your attention,
ben brugman.
"ben brugman" <> wrote in message
> As I read this :
> From within a trigger any FK or relational constraint
> violation results in a fatal error aborting the complete
> batch (and complete transaction).
> Is this correct ?
Not just a constraint violation; ANY error will abort (and consequently
rollback) the entire batch.
> What if there was no transaction start ?
Every DML operation in SQL Server uses a transaction, even if you don't
explicitly request it.
SET Val = 0
WHERE SomeCol = 1
will use a transaction. That way, if there are two rows where SomeCol =
1, and the first was successful but the second had an error, the entire
batch will roll back to the initial state.
> When sending several statements, it appears
> that all statements are rolled back. (Are handled
> as one transaction).
Do you have IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS turned on for your session?
This option causes SQL Server to treat multistatement batches as if they
were wrapped in a transaction. But it's not turned on by default in Query
Analyzer or any connection library that I know of...
Exception handling in Triggers.
exception handling in triggers (errors and rollbacks) ?
From 'Inside' :
ROLLBACK (because of a fatal error or an
explicit ROLLBACK command), the entire batch is aborted.
As I read this :
From within a trigger any FK or relational constraint
violation results in a fatal error aborting the complete
batch (and complete transaction).
Is this correct ?
What if there was no transaction start ?
In the QA, does the QA supply a transaction
(increase the transaction count) if no transaction
was started ?
When sending several statements, it appears
that all statements are rolled back. (Are handled
as one transaction).
Does something similar happen when doing
similar statements from application programs ?
Thanks for your attention,
ben brugman."ben brugman" <> wrote in message
> As I read this :
> From within a trigger any FK or relational constraint
> violation results in a fatal error aborting the complete
> batch (and complete transaction).
> Is this correct ?
Not just a constraint violation; ANY error will abort (and consequently
rollback) the entire batch.
> What if there was no transaction start ?
Every DML operation in SQL Server uses a transaction, even if you don't
explicitly request it.
SET Val = 0
WHERE SomeCol = 1
will use a transaction. That way, if there are two rows where SomeCol =1, and the first was successful but the second had an error, the entire
batch will roll back to the initial state.
> When sending several statements, it appears
> that all statements are rolled back. (Are handled
> as one transaction).
Do you have IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS turned on for your session?
This option causes SQL Server to treat multistatement batches as if they
were wrapped in a transaction. But it's not turned on by default in Query
Analyzer or any connection library that I know of...|||If we can get away from the trigger for a second.
One of the least documented aspects on how transactions
work are to do with the process id that its running from.
So if you open up QA do transaction mock statement, open
up another window in QA and do rollback you will get an
error, why, becasue the process in the second window is
different to the first.
The reason why this is important is that a rollback as you
found out will effect EVERY transaction in that process
even though it maybe nested. Try this yourself, you will
get some very interesting answers.
So to get back to your question.
SQL Server will automatically rollback transactions if the
error is serious enough.
If there is no transaction then there will be no
transaction count, there is a handy little global variable
called @.@.TRANCOUNT you may want to look at. So if that is
set to anything but a 0 it will automatically rollback the
transaction irrespective on whether it is done in trigger
or something else.
From application programs then it depends on the error. If
you had a connection object and you application (not SQL)
failed then it would be up to your application to repair
the DB by sending it up a rollback.
If you application using the same connection as the begin
transaction sent some SQL that caused an error then yes it
would automatically roll back.
Anyway that it. I sugest you have a play on QA.
If you have any questions then don't hesitate to email me
on (though I am a bit
busy tonight)
"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing -
after they've tried everything else."
Winston Churchill
>--Original Message--
>Can anybody point me to a good text about
>exception handling in triggers (errors and rollbacks) ?
>From 'Inside' :
>ROLLBACK (because of a fatal error or an
>explicit ROLLBACK command), the entire batch is aborted.
>As I read this :
>From within a trigger any FK or relational constraint
>violation results in a fatal error aborting the complete
>batch (and complete transaction).
>Is this correct ?
>What if there was no transaction start ?
>In the QA, does the QA supply a transaction
>(increase the transaction count) if no transaction
>was started ?
>When sending several statements, it appears
>that all statements are rolled back. (Are handled
>as one transaction).
>Does something similar happen when doing
>similar statements from application programs ?
>Thanks for your attention,
>ben brugman.
>|||My email is
(Both lenscaps should be removed).
I tried to reply to your mail, but that bounced,
so now in the thread.
thanks in advance,
ben brugman
"Peter The Spate" <> wrote in message
> If we can get away from the trigger for a second.
> One of the least documented aspects on how transactions
> work are to do with the process id that its running from.
> So if you open up QA do transaction mock statement, open
> up another window in QA and do rollback you will get an
> error, why, becasue the process in the second window is
> different to the first.
> The reason why this is important is that a rollback as you
> found out will effect EVERY transaction in that process
> even though it maybe nested. Try this yourself, you will
> get some very interesting answers.
> So to get back to your question.
> SQL Server will automatically rollback transactions if the
> error is serious enough.
> If there is no transaction then there will be no
> transaction count, there is a handy little global variable
> called @.@.TRANCOUNT you may want to look at. So if that is
> set to anything but a 0 it will automatically rollback the
> transaction irrespective on whether it is done in trigger
> or something else.
> From application programs then it depends on the error. If
> you had a connection object and you application (not SQL)
> failed then it would be up to your application to repair
> the DB by sending it up a rollback.
> If you application using the same connection as the begin
> transaction sent some SQL that caused an error then yes it
> would automatically roll back.
> Anyway that it. I sugest you have a play on QA.
> If you have any questions then don't hesitate to email me
> on (though I am a bit
> busy tonight)
> Peter
> "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing -
> after they've tried everything else."
> Winston Churchill
> >--Original Message--
> >Can anybody point me to a good text about
> >exception handling in triggers (errors and rollbacks) ?
> >
> >From 'Inside' :
> >ROLLBACK (because of a fatal error or an
> >explicit ROLLBACK command), the entire batch is aborted.
> >
> >
> >As I read this :
> >From within a trigger any FK or relational constraint
> >violation results in a fatal error aborting the complete
> >batch (and complete transaction).
> >Is this correct ?
> >
> >What if there was no transaction start ?
> >In the QA, does the QA supply a transaction
> >(increase the transaction count) if no transaction
> >was started ?
> >When sending several statements, it appears
> >that all statements are rolled back. (Are handled
> >as one transaction).
> >Does something similar happen when doing
> >similar statements from application programs ?
> >
> >Thanks for your attention,
> >
> >ben brugman.
> >
> >
> >.
> >
Exception handling in Triggers.
One of the least documented aspects on how transactions
work are to do with the process id that its running from.
So if you open up QA do transaction mock statement, open
up another window in QA and do rollback you will get an
error, why, becasue the process in the second window is
different to the first.
The reason why this is important is that a rollback as you
found out will effect EVERY transaction in that process
even though it maybe nested. Try this yourself, you will
get some very interesting answers.
So to get back to your question.
SQL Server will automatically rollback transactions if the
error is serious enough.
If there is no transaction then there will be no
transaction count, there is a handy little global variable
called @.@.TRANCOUNT you may want to look at. So if that is
set to anything but a 0 it will automatically rollback the
transaction irrespective on whether it is done in trigger
or something else.
From application programs then it depends on the error. If
you had a connection object and you application (not SQL)
failed then it would be up to your application to repair
the DB by sending it up a rollback.
If you application using the same connection as the begin
transaction sent some SQL that caused an error then yes it
would automatically roll back.
Anyway that it. I sugest you have a play on QA.
If you have any questions then don't hesitate to email me
on (though I am a bit
busy tonight)
"You can always count on Americans to do the right thing -
after they've tried everything else."
Winston Churchill
>--Original Message--
>Can anybody point me to a good text about
>exception handling in triggers (errors and rollbacks) ?
>From 'Inside' :
>ROLLBACK (because of a fatal error or an
>explicit ROLLBACK command), the entire batch is aborted.
>As I read this :
>From within a trigger any FK or relational constraint
>violation results in a fatal error aborting the complete
>batch (and complete transaction).
>Is this correct ?
>What if there was no transaction start ?
>In the QA, does the QA supply a transaction
>(increase the transaction count) if no transaction
>was started ?
>When sending several statements, it appears
>that all statements are rolled back. (Are handled
>as one transaction).
>Does something similar happen when doing
>similar statements from application programs ?
>Thanks for your attention,
>ben brugman.
>My email is
(Both lenscaps should be removed).
I tried to reply to your mail, but that bounced,
so now in the thread.
thanks in advance,
ben brugman
"Peter The Spate" <> wrote in message
> If we can get away from the trigger for a second.
> One of the least documented aspects on how transactions
> work are to do with the process id that its running from.
> So if you open up QA do transaction mock statement, open
> up another window in QA and do rollback you will get an
> error, why, becasue the process in the second window is
> different to the first.
> The reason why this is important is that a rollback as you
> found out will effect EVERY transaction in that process
> even though it maybe nested. Try this yourself, you will
> get some very interesting answers.
> So to get back to your question.
> SQL Server will automatically rollback transactions if the
> error is serious enough.
> If there is no transaction then there will be no
> transaction count, there is a handy little global variable
> called @.@.TRANCOUNT you may want to look at. So if that is
> set to anything but a 0 it will automatically rollback the
> transaction irrespective on whether it is done in trigger
> or something else.
> From application programs then it depends on the error. If
> you had a connection object and you application (not SQL)
> failed then it would be up to your application to repair
> the DB by sending it up a rollback.
> If you application using the same connection as the begin
> transaction sent some SQL that caused an error then yes it
> would automatically roll back.
> Anyway that it. I sugest you have a play on QA.
> If you have any questions then don't hesitate to email me
> on (though I am a bit
> busy tonight)
> Peter
> "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing -
> after they've tried everything else."
> Winston Churchill
Exception handling in Triggers.
exception handling in triggers (errors and rollbacks) ?
From 'Inside' :
ROLLBACK (because of a fatal error or an
explicit ROLLBACK command), the entire batch is aborted.
As I read this :
From within a trigger any FK or relational constraint
violation results in a fatal error aborting the complete
batch (and complete transaction).
Is this correct ?
What if there was no transaction start ?
In the QA, does the QA supply a transaction
(increase the transaction count) if no transaction
was started ?
When sending several statements, it appears
that all statements are rolled back. (Are handled
as one transaction).
Does something similar happen when doing
similar statements from application programs ?
Thanks for your attention,
ben brugman."ben brugman" <> wrote in message
> As I read this :
> From within a trigger any FK or relational constraint
> violation results in a fatal error aborting the complete
> batch (and complete transaction).
> Is this correct ?
Not just a constraint violation; ANY error will abort (and consequently
rollback) the entire batch.
> What if there was no transaction start ?
Every DML operation in SQL Server uses a transaction, even if you don't
explicitly request it.
SET Val = 0
WHERE SomeCol = 1
will use a transaction. That way, if there are two rows where SomeCol =
1, and the first was successful but the second had an error, the entire
batch will roll back to the initial state.
> When sending several statements, it appears
> that all statements are rolled back. (Are handled
> as one transaction).
Do you have IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS turned on for your session?
This option causes SQL Server to treat multistatement batches as if they
were wrapped in a transaction. But it's not turned on by default in Query
Analyzer or any connection library that I know of...
Exception handling in stored procedure in sql server 2000.
I am writing one stored procedure wherein i want to do something like
I am inserting data into one table. So what i want to do is to catch
exception if error occured during insertion.
I want to display generic message if insert query fails.
Can someone tell me how to do this.
Any help will be truely appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
empname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
mgrid INT NULL
INSERT INTO Employees(empid, empname, mgrid)
VALUES(1, 'Emp1', NULL)
PRINT 'INSERT failed.'
<> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I am writing one stored procedure wherein i want to do something like
> try-catch.
> I am inserting data into one table. So what i want to do is to catch
> exception if error occured during insertion.
> I want to display generic message if insert query fails.
> Can someone tell me how to do this.
> Any help will be truely appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
Try..Catch block was introduced in SQL 2005.
Dejan Sarka, SQL Server MVP
Anything written in this message represents solely the point of view of the
This message does not imply endorsement from Solid Quality Learning, and it
does not represent the point of view of Solid Quality Learning or any other
person, company or institution mentioned in this message
Start with this excellent article by Erland Sommarskog:
Dejan Sarka, SQL Server MVP
Anything written in this message represents solely the point of view of the
This message does not imply endorsement from Solid Quality Learning, and it
does not represent the point of view of Solid Quality Learning or any other
person, company or institution mentioned in this message
<> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I am writing one stored procedure wherein i want to do something like
> try-catch.
> I am inserting data into one table. So what i want to do is to catch
> exception if error occured during insertion.
> I want to display generic message if insert query fails.
> Can someone tell me how to do this.
> Any help will be truely appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
This is a classic example how to important to mention what is the vesrion of
SQL Server
"Dejan Sarka" < > wrote in
message news:uWW2xss4GHA.1200@.TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> Uri,
> Try..Catch block was introduced in SQL 2005.
> --
> Dejan Sarka, SQL Server MVP
> Mentor,
> Anything written in this message represents solely the point of view of
> the sender.
> This message does not imply endorsement from Solid Quality Learning, and
> it does not represent the point of view of Solid Quality Learning or any
> other person, company or institution mentioned in this message
|||An even more classic example of how easy it is to overlook said information.
Arnie Rowland, Ph.D.
Westwood Consulting, Inc
Most good judgment comes from experience.
Most experience comes from bad judgment.
- Anonymous
"Uri Dimant" <> wrote in message
> Dejan
> This is a classic example how to important to mention what is the vesrion
> of SQL Server
> "Dejan Sarka" < > wrote in
> message news:uWW2xss4GHA.1200@.TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
You are right . :-))) Probably it is because I get in my office on 4AM
"Arnie Rowland" <> wrote in message
> An even more classic example of how easy it is to overlook said
> information.
> ;-)
> --
> Arnie Rowland, Ph.D.
> Westwood Consulting, Inc
> Most good judgment comes from experience.
> Most experience comes from bad judgment.
> - Anonymous
> "Uri Dimant" <> wrote in message
> news:%23NRJNws4GHA.668@.TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
Hope the rest of the day goes better:-)
Dejan Sarka
"Uri Dimant" <> wrote in message
> Arnie
> You are right . :-))) Probably it is because I get in my office on 4AM
> today
> "Arnie Rowland" <> wrote in message
> news:O9Uco1s4GHA.1012@.TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
thanks for your example.
But what to do if i have sql server 2000. Is is like that i can't
handle exception in stored procedure itself.
Or is there any alternative?
Any help will be truely appreciated.
thanks in advacne.
Thanks to all for reply.
I have one more query regarding exception handling.
I have stored procedure in which i am opening one cursor and after
getting values from cursor i am inserting data into table. So my
question is if insert fails then sp will not execute next part then how
will i deallocate cursor.
Can someone provide me way to do this.
Any help will be truely appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Exception handling in stored procedure in sql server 2000.
I am writing one stored procedure wherein i want to do something like
I am inserting data into one table. So what i want to do is to catch
exception if error occured during insertion.
I want to display generic message if insert query fails.
Can someone tell me how to do this.
Any help will be truely appreciated.
Thanks in advance.Hi
empname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
mgrid INT NULL
INSERT INTO Employees(empid, empname, mgrid)
VALUES(1, 'Emp1', NULL)
PRINT 'INSERT failed.'
<> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I am writing one stored procedure wherein i want to do something like
> try-catch.
> I am inserting data into one table. So what i want to do is to catch
> exception if error occured during insertion.
> I want to display generic message if insert query fails.
> Can someone tell me how to do this.
> Any help will be truely appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
Try..Catch block was introduced in SQL 2005.
Dejan Sarka, SQL Server MVP
Anything written in this message represents solely the point of view of the
This message does not imply endorsement from Solid Quality Learning, and it
does not represent the point of view of Solid Quality Learning or any other
person, company or institution mentioned in this message|||Hi!
Start with this excellent article by Erland Sommarskog:
Dejan Sarka, SQL Server MVP
Anything written in this message represents solely the point of view of the
This message does not imply endorsement from Solid Quality Learning, and it
does not represent the point of view of Solid Quality Learning or any other
person, company or institution mentioned in this message
<> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I am writing one stored procedure wherein i want to do something like
> try-catch.
> I am inserting data into one table. So what i want to do is to catch
> exception if error occured during insertion.
> I want to display generic message if insert query fails.
> Can someone tell me how to do this.
> Any help will be truely appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
This is a classic example how to important to mention what is the vesrion of
SQL Server
"Dejan Sarka" <> wrote in
message news:uWW2xss4GHA.1200@.TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> Uri,
> Try..Catch block was introduced in SQL 2005.
> --
> Dejan Sarka, SQL Server MVP
> Mentor,
> Anything written in this message represents solely the point of view of
> the sender.
> This message does not imply endorsement from Solid Quality Learning, and
> it does not represent the point of view of Solid Quality Learning or any
> other person, company or institution mentioned in this message
>|||An even more classic example of how easy it is to overlook said information.
Arnie Rowland, Ph.D.
Westwood Consulting, Inc
Most good judgment comes from experience.
Most experience comes from bad judgment.
- Anonymous
"Uri Dimant" <> wrote in message
> Dejan
> This is a classic example how to important to mention what is the vesrion
> of SQL Server
> "Dejan Sarka" <> wrote in
> message news:uWW2xss4GHA.1200@.TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
You are right . :-))) Probably it is because I get in my office on 4AM
"Arnie Rowland" <> wrote in message
> An even more classic example of how easy it is to overlook said
> information.
> ;-)
> --
> Arnie Rowland, Ph.D.
> Westwood Consulting, Inc
> Most good judgment comes from experience.
> Most experience comes from bad judgment.
> - Anonymous
> "Uri Dimant" <> wrote in message
> news:%23NRJNws4GHA.668@.TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
Hope the rest of the day goes better:-)
Dejan Sarka
"Uri Dimant" <> wrote in message
> Arnie
> You are right . :-))) Probably it is because I get in my office on 4AM
> today
> "Arnie Rowland" <> wrote in message
> news:O9Uco1s4GHA.1012@.TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
thanks for your example.
But what to do if i have sql server 2000. Is is like that i can't
handle exception in stored procedure itself.
Or is there any alternative?
Any help will be truely appreciated.
thanks in advacne.|||Hi,,
Thanks to all for reply.
I have one more query regarding exception handling.
I have stored procedure in which i am opening one cursor and after
getting values from cursor i am inserting data into table. So my
question is if insert fails then sp will not execute next part then how
will i deallocate cursor.
Can someone provide me way to do this.
Any help will be truely appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Exception handling in stored procedure in sql server 2000.
I am writing one stored procedure wherein i want to do something like
I am inserting data into one table. So what i want to do is to catch
exception if error occured during insertion.
I want to display generic message if insert query fails.
Can someone tell me how to do this.
Any help will be truely appreciated.
Thanks in advance.Hi
empname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
mgrid INT NULL
INSERT INTO Employees(empid, empname, mgrid)
VALUES(1, 'Emp1', NULL)
PRINT 'INSERT failed.'
<> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I am writing one stored procedure wherein i want to do something like
> try-catch.
> I am inserting data into one table. So what i want to do is to catch
> exception if error occured during insertion.
> I want to display generic message if insert query fails.
> Can someone tell me how to do this.
> Any help will be truely appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
Try..Catch block was introduced in SQL 2005.
Dejan Sarka, SQL Server MVP
Anything written in this message represents solely the point of view of the
This message does not imply endorsement from Solid Quality Learning, and it
does not represent the point of view of Solid Quality Learning or any other
person, company or institution mentioned in this message|||Hi!
Start with this excellent article by Erland Sommarskog:
Dejan Sarka, SQL Server MVP
Anything written in this message represents solely the point of view of the
This message does not imply endorsement from Solid Quality Learning, and it
does not represent the point of view of Solid Quality Learning or any other
person, company or institution mentioned in this message
<> wrote in message
> Hi all,
> I am writing one stored procedure wherein i want to do something like
> try-catch.
> I am inserting data into one table. So what i want to do is to catch
> exception if error occured during insertion.
> I want to display generic message if insert query fails.
> Can someone tell me how to do this.
> Any help will be truely appreciated.
> Thanks in advance.
This is a classic example how to important to mention what is the vesrion of
SQL Server
"Dejan Sarka" <> wrote in
message news:uWW2xss4GHA.1200@.TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
> Uri,
> Try..Catch block was introduced in SQL 2005.
> --
> Dejan Sarka, SQL Server MVP
> Mentor,
> Anything written in this message represents solely the point of view of
> the sender.
> This message does not imply endorsement from Solid Quality Learning, and
> it does not represent the point of view of Solid Quality Learning or any
> other person, company or institution mentioned in this message
>|||An even more classic example of how easy it is to overlook said information.
Arnie Rowland, Ph.D.
Westwood Consulting, Inc
Most good judgment comes from experience.
Most experience comes from bad judgment.
- Anonymous
"Uri Dimant" <> wrote in message
> Dejan
> This is a classic example how to important to mention what is the vesrion
> of SQL Server
> "Dejan Sarka" <> wrote in
> message news:uWW2xss4GHA.1200@.TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> Uri,
>> Try..Catch block was introduced in SQL 2005.
>> --
>> Dejan Sarka, SQL Server MVP
>> Mentor,
>> Anything written in this message represents solely the point of view of
>> the sender.
>> This message does not imply endorsement from Solid Quality Learning, and
>> it does not represent the point of view of Solid Quality Learning or any
>> other person, company or institution mentioned in this message
You are right . :-))) Probably it is because I get in my office on 4AM
"Arnie Rowland" <> wrote in message
> An even more classic example of how easy it is to overlook said
> information.
> ;-)
> --
> Arnie Rowland, Ph.D.
> Westwood Consulting, Inc
> Most good judgment comes from experience.
> Most experience comes from bad judgment.
> - Anonymous
> "Uri Dimant" <> wrote in message
> news:%23NRJNws4GHA.668@.TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> Dejan
>> This is a classic example how to important to mention what is the vesrion
>> of SQL Server
>> "Dejan Sarka" <> wrote
>> in message news:uWW2xss4GHA.1200@.TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> Uri,
>> Try..Catch block was introduced in SQL 2005.
>> --
>> Dejan Sarka, SQL Server MVP
>> Mentor,
>> Anything written in this message represents solely the point of view of
>> the sender.
>> This message does not imply endorsement from Solid Quality Learning, and
>> it does not represent the point of view of Solid Quality Learning or any
>> other person, company or institution mentioned in this message
Hope the rest of the day goes better:-)
Dejan Sarka
"Uri Dimant" <> wrote in message
> Arnie
> You are right . :-))) Probably it is because I get in my office on 4AM
> today
> "Arnie Rowland" <> wrote in message
> news:O9Uco1s4GHA.1012@.TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl...
>> An even more classic example of how easy it is to overlook said
>> information.
>> ;-)
>> --
>> Arnie Rowland, Ph.D.
>> Westwood Consulting, Inc
>> Most good judgment comes from experience.
>> Most experience comes from bad judgment.
>> - Anonymous
>> "Uri Dimant" <> wrote in message
>> news:%23NRJNws4GHA.668@.TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> Dejan
>> This is a classic example how to important to mention what is the
>> vesrion of SQL Server
>> "Dejan Sarka" <> wrote
>> in message news:uWW2xss4GHA.1200@.TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...
>> Uri,
>> Try..Catch block was introduced in SQL 2005.
>> --
>> Dejan Sarka, SQL Server MVP
>> Mentor,
>> Anything written in this message represents solely the point of view of
>> the sender.
>> This message does not imply endorsement from Solid Quality Learning,
>> and it does not represent the point of view of Solid Quality Learning
>> or any other person, company or institution mentioned in this message
thanks for your example.
But what to do if i have sql server 2000. Is is like that i can't
handle exception in stored procedure itself.
Or is there any alternative?
Any help will be truely appreciated.
thanks in advacne.|||Hi,,
Thanks to all for reply.
I have one more query regarding exception handling.
I have stored procedure in which i am opening one cursor and after
getting values from cursor i am inserting data into table. So my
question is if insert fails then sp will not execute next part then how
will i deallocate cursor.
Can someone provide me way to do this.
Any help will be truely appreciated.
Thanks in advance.|||> I have stored procedure in which i am opening one cursor and after
> getting values from cursor i am inserting data into table. So my
> question is if insert fails then sp will not execute next part then how
> will i deallocate cursor.
You can check the @.@.error after the Insetr, and use GOTO statement, e.g.:
IF @.@.error > 0
Dejan Sarka, SQL Server MVP
Anything written in this message represents solely the point of view of the
This message does not imply endorsement from Solid Quality Learning, and it
does not represent the point of view of Solid Quality Learning or any other
person, company or institution mentioned in this message
Exception Handling
I m new to the sqlserver.In Oracle we can handle exceptions like this
name varchar(20);
select ename into name from emp where eno=&eno;
when no_data_found then
dbms_output.put_line('No Entry');
We will get the message No Entry When corrsponding employee number dosent exists.
In Sqlserver how to handle these things.
Specifically my requirement is with select statement(Like above program)
Waiting for valuable suggestions
You can do in sqlserver using @.@.Rowcount
select ename into name from emp where eno=&eno
if((select @.@.Rowcount)<= 0)
print 'No data'
The following explains the errorhandling in simple terms
|||In SQL Server this situation never treated as exception, There is a workaround available - here it is,
Code Snippet
Declare @.Sno as int;
Declare as varchar(100)
Set @.Sno=4
Select from sysobjects Where id=@.Sno
If @.@.RowCount = 0
Print 'No Entry'
Print @.Name
|||Hi manivannanI tried like this before only . I got the output
Thank u for u r valuable reply.
Exception handling
it gives error while calling a sql stored procedure as "INPUT STRING WAS NOT IN A CORRECT FORMAT". I am providing the code here.
publicvoid get_issid(string cse_email,string tech_email,string subject,string issue_details,string response,string solv_date,outint issid){
// Establish Connection
SqlConnection oConnection = GetConnection();// build the command
SqlCommand oCommand =newSqlCommand("get_issid", oConnection);oCommand.CommandType =CommandType.StoredProcedure;
// Parameters
SqlParameter paracse_email =newSqlParameter("@.cse_email",SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);paracse_email.Value =cse_email;
SqlParameter paratech_email =newSqlParameter("@.tech_email",SqlDbType.VarChar,50);
paratech_email.Value = cse_email;
SqlParameter parasubject =newSqlParameter("@.subject",SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);parasubject.Value = subject;
SqlParameter paraissue_details =newSqlParameter("@.issue_details",SqlDbType.VarChar, 500);paraissue_details.Value = issue_details;
SqlParameter pararesponse =newSqlParameter("@.response",SqlDbType.VarChar, 500);pararesponse.Value = response;
SqlParameter parasolv_date =newSqlParameter("@.solv_date",SqlDbType.DateTime);parasolv_date.Value = solv_date;
SqlParameter paraissid =newSqlParameter("@.issid",SqlDbType.Int);paraissid.Direction =ParameterDirection.Output;oCommand.Parameters.Add(paraissid);
issid =int.Parse(paraissid.Value.ToString());}
catch (Exception oException){
throw oException;}
the stored procedure is:
create proc [dbo].[get_issid](@.tech_emailvarchar(50), @.cse_emailvarchar(50),@.subjectvarchar(50),@.issue_detailsvarchar(500),@.responsevarchar(500),@.solv_datedatetime, @.issidintoutput)
select @.issid=tech_response.issue_idfrom tech_response,issue_detailswhere tech_response.tech_email=@.tech_emailand tech_response.cse_email=@.cse_emailand tech_response.subject=@.subjectand tech_response.issue_details=@.issue_detailsand response=@.responseand solv_date=@.solv_dateand tech_response.issue_id=issue_details.issue_id
requested to help in this
Use ExecuteScalar or ExecuteReader .
ExecuteNonQuery can be used only on DDL statements such as Insert and Delete statements.
Thank u for your reply. but the error is coming again same as earlier.
pls help me in this regard.
your amibly,
Exception Handling
I am trying to catch an error, but not able to. I am storing the value of @.@.Error soon after the statement which I believe would generate error. In order to produce the error I have deliberately used a wrong table name. So, the statement breaks but never comes to my error handling code snippet. Instead, it just throws the SQL server error message and quits. What am I doing wrong here? Here is the code snippet. The actual name of the temporary table is #TEMPO_TABLE, but in order to generate the error I have used #TEMPO_. Since this would surely error out, it should go to the label ROLLITBACK. But is not going to that label. Neither is it printing the error number as per the PRINT statement there. It just throws the SQL error and quits the execution. (Or should it NOT?). The Error that it throws it this:
Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure FEED_PULL_XX, Line 157
Invalid object name '#TEMPO_'.
Can you please let me know whats going wrong here? Thanks a lot in advance.
SET @.ErrNo = @.@.Error
PRINT '@.ErrNo is ' + ltrim(str(@.ErrNo)) + '.'
IF @.ErrNo <> 0
PRINT '@.ErrNo is ' + ltrim(str(@.ErrNo)) + '.'
Hi Mannubhai,
Which version of SQL server you are using.. if you are using SQL05, try using Try..catch block.
If you are using SQL2k.. then in above script there is no variable declared and there is no rollitback lable..
And YOU SHOULD GET THE ERROR SAYING THAT THE TABLE DOES NOT EXISTS.. AND THIS ERROR HAS THE SEVERITY LEVEL OF 16.. which says that the error can be fixed by the user and terminates the batch.. so you are not able to catch it.
Have a look on the severity levels for more details.
There are errors that cannot be caught.
Erland has written up some good articles on the subject. Please take a look.
|||Hey Thanks Sajid. I am using SQL 2000. The Code that I have given is just a snippet. It is not the complete one. The Complete SP has the variables declared and yes, the ROLLITBACK label is also present. The error as I said is, INVALID OBJECT #TEMPO_. But can this error NOT be caught in the way I have attempted? I think it does not even execute this statement --> SET @.ErrNo = @.@.Error. Why does this happen? Please let me know. Appreciate the response.
|||You can refer to Erland's documents on Error handline.. spcially the first link provided by OJ. .that will surely help you out to understand the Error handling in details..
|||Hi All,
I seem to have solved this. The below insert which I was using, I put that into a variable and executed it using sp_executesql. A Dynamic SQL.
I put this like this:
SET @.SQL = '
EXEC sp_Executesql @.SQL
SET @.ErrNo = @.@.Error.
IF ErrNo <> 0
This gave the proper results. Let me know if more information is required.
|||I partially agree with your solution.
But there is few risks you might face if you given the access permissions on SP level (readonly at Table)..
The alternate possible solution might be,
Option 1#:
Code Snippet
If Exists (Select * from tempdb..sysobjects where id=object_id('tempdb..#tempo_'))
Insert into Table1
Goto RollITBack
SET @.ErrNo = @.@.Error
PRINT '@.ErrNo is ' + ltrim(str(@.ErrNo)) + '.'
IF @.ErrNo <> 0
PRINT '@.ErrNo is ' + ltrim(str(@.ErrNo)) + '.'
Goto RollItback
Option 2#:
Wrapp the insert statement in new proc & call it from your main proc.
Code Snippet
Create Proc InsertFromTemp
Insert into Table1
Exec InsertFromTemp
SET @.ErrNo = @.@.Error
PRINT '@.ErrNo is ' + ltrim(str(@.ErrNo)) + '.'
IF @.ErrNo <> 0
PRINT '@.ErrNo is ' + ltrim(str(@.ErrNo)) + '.'
Goto RollItback
Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0202022
I created a packsge, set up a connection and the connection is tested OK. Then I created a OLE DB Source, gave the created connection and a table. When I click "Preview" button, this is what I got:
Error at DTStask_DTSDataPumpTask_3(OLE DB source[1]): An error occured due to no connection. A data connection is required when requesting metadata.
Additional informatin:
Exception from HRESULT 0xC0202022: (Microsoft.Sqlserver.DTSPipelineWrap)
Please tell me what I did wrong? or have I broken something?
Have you by any chance turned on the "Work Offline" option in the meantime?Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0048004
I created a SSIS package in a ASP.NEP application which importing data from some .dbf file. "Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0048004" happened to two tables. I had a look this exception at, it says: The index is not valid. But there is no index defined in my destination table.
Does anybody how to resolve it?
Qiuwei wrote:
Hi, there;
I created a SSIS package in a ASP.NEP application which importing data from some .dbf file. "Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0048004" happened to two tables. I had a look this exception at, it says: The index is not valid. But there is no index defined in my destination table.Does anybody how to resolve it?
its nothing to do with indexes in your tables. It is most likely referring to an attempt to reference an item in a collection within your package. It suggests that your package is corrupt.
Do you get the same error when you execute the package using dtexec.exe?
Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131904
I write a custom component (destination component) that handle the error of my dataflow.
The custom component works fine on design time and runtime by using BIDS.
When I'm using the same package that use my custom component with DTEXEC,
I got the following error :
System.Exception: AcquireConnections : Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131904
at SSISGenerator.SSISErrorHandler.ErrorHandlerDestination.AcquireConnections(
Object transaction)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostAcquireConnectio
ns(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Object transaction)
The error message point out that the problem is in acquireconnections method.
This is the code i'm using in my custom component for the acquireconnections method.
public override void AcquireConnections(object transaction)
if (ComponentMetaData.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManager != null)
ConnectionManager cm = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsConvert.ToConnectionManager(ComponentMetaData.RuntimeConnectionCollection[0].ConnectionManager);
ConnectionManagerAdoNet cmado = cm.InnerObject as ConnectionManagerAdoNet;
if (cmado == null)
throw new Exception(String.Format(MSG_ACQUIRECONNECTIONS_ADONET,cm.Name));
this.sqlConnection = cmado.AcquireConnection(null) as SqlConnection;
if (this.sqlConnection == null)
throw new Exception(String.Format(MSG_ACQUIRECONNECTIONS_ADONET, cm.Name));
if (sqlConnection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception(MSG_ACQUIRECONNECTIONS + e.Message);
Does someone got an idea ?
Could you try to debug your method while called from DTExec?
I did some tests and I will explain you the result.
Debug the method with DTExec
I debugged with DTEXEC a solution that contain two project
01 - class library project for the custom component
02 - integration service project for a test package
I did the following tasks for the debug proces
01 - On debug tab, I put the information needed for debugging (start an external program to debug (DTEXEC) and the file for the parameter)
02 - I put the debug dll in GAC
03 - I make sure that I have a breakpoint set on PreExecute
04 - I hit F5 and the error didn't show up.
05 - I took the custom component (dll) and I copy it on the dev server.
06 - I put the debug dll in GAC.
07 - I executed the test package on the dev server with DTEXEC and the error didn't show up.
08 - I remove the debug information and I've compiled the custom component in release mode.
09 - I put the release dll in GAC
10 - I executed the test package on my machine with DTEXEC and the error didn't show up.
11 - I took the custom component (dll) and I copy it on the dev server.
12 - I put the release dll in GAC
13 - I executed the test package on the dev server with DTEXEC and the error didn't show up.
After all these tests, I was suprise since the error message disappears. So, I will do other tests and post the result.
For now, I have one idea for this error message. When I did some tests, I was using the same command line over and over. I'm using a environment variable that indicate the location of my dtsconfig file for the connection string of my connection. I'm not sure if I create the environment variable before openning the commandline. I think it can be one of the reason.
We will see.
Exception from HRESULT
I can't create any reports in Visual Studio. When I get to the end of the
"new report wizard" I get "Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131500". However,
the report IS created. If I double click it in the Solution Explorer I
get the same HRESULT error.
This also happens with SP1 (and happened before).
I am using Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition. I also have XML Spy,
XMetaL and DevStudio Partner installed into if that makes a
One of our other developers has the same problem (but they haven't
installed SP1 yet). They are using Windows XP and have XML Spy and XMetaL
installed into the IDE. However, they tried uninstalling them AND
uninstalling and trying clean without anything else being installed
to no avail so I'm not convinced they are causing the problem.
Does anyone have any ideas?
JohnCan you dump out a list of DLLs that are loaded into the VS process when the
error occurs? You can either use a tool like procexp.exe
( or attach another
instance of VS as a debugger. Using VS, display the Modules window, select
all rows, copy, and paste into a text file.
Albert Yen
SQL Server Reporting Services
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"John Carpenter" <nospamplease> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I can't create any reports in Visual Studio. When I get to the end of the
> "new report wizard" I get "Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131500". However,
> the report IS created. If I double click it in the Solution Explorer I
> get the same HRESULT error.
> This also happens with SP1 (and happened before).
> I am using Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition. I also have XML Spy,
> XMetaL and DevStudio Partner installed into if that makes a
> difference.
> One of our other developers has the same problem (but they haven't
> installed SP1 yet). They are using Windows XP and have XML Spy and XMetaL
> installed into the IDE. However, they tried uninstalling them AND
> uninstalling and trying clean without anything else being installed
> to no avail so I'm not convinced they are causing the problem.
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks,
> John|||Hi Albert,
Thanks very much for the reply.
Here goes!!
Process PID CPU Description Company Name Methods Jitted
System Idle Process 0 79
Interrupts 0 1 Hardware Interrupts
DPCs 0 Deferred Procedure Calls
System 4 2
smss.exe 408 Windows NT Session Manager Microsoft Corporation
csrss.exe 456 Client Server Runtime Process Microsoft Corporation
winlogon.exe 480 Windows NT Logon Application Microsoft Corporation
services.exe 524 1 Services and Controller app Microsoft Corporation
svchost.exe 716 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
wmiprvse.exe 2696 WMI Microsoft Corporation
vsmsvr.exe 5916 Microsoft Visual Studio Macros Runtime
Server Microsoft Corporation 44
vsmsvr.exe 216 Microsoft Visual Studio Macros Runtime
Server Microsoft Corporation 44
svchost.exe 760 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
svchost.exe 880 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
svchost.exe 904 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
svchost.exe 936 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
spoolsv.exe 1204 Spooler SubSystem App Microsoft Corporation
SpntSvc.exe 1292 ServerProtect Win32-based service Trend Micro Inc.
StWatchDog.exe 1552 WatchDog Trend Micro Inc.
StOPP.exe 1588 Execute OPP Trend Micro Inc.
msdtc.exe 1612 MS DTCconsole program Microsoft Corporation
appmgr.exe 1716 Remote Server Manager Microsoft Corporation
dfssvc.exe 1740 Windows NT Distributed File System Service Microsoft
elementmgr.exe 1796 Web Element Manager Microsoft Corporation
svchost.exe 1840 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
mdm.exe 1940 Machine Debug Manager Microsoft Corporation
sqlservr.exe 1960 SQL Server Windows NT Microsoft Corporation
NCS.exe 1988 DevPartner Analysis Control Service Compuware
svchost.exe 2024 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
ReportingServicesService.exe 140 Report Scheduling and Delivery
Server Windows NT Service Microsoft Corporation 1,888
srvcsurg.exe 400 Remote Administration Service Microsoft Corporation
vmware-authd.exe 452
VMnetDHCP.exe 188 VMnet DHCP Service VMware, Inc.
vmnat.exe 820
dsamain.exe 984 AD/AM Active Directory Application Mode Microsoft
mqsvc.exe 1260 Message Queuing Service Microsoft Corporation
mssearch.exe 1772 Microsoft PKM Search Service Microsoft Corporation
sqlagent.exe 2348 Microsoft SQL Server Agent Microsoft Corporation
mqtgsvc.exe 2476 Message Queuing Trigger Service Microsoft
svchost.exe 3640 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
inetinfo.exe 3004 Internet Information Services Microsoft
svchost.exe 3168 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
msiexec.exe 5480 Windows® installer Microsoft Corporation
lsass.exe 536 LSA Shell Microsoft Corporation
explorer.exe 3928 1 Windows Explorer Microsoft Corporation
iHPDetect.exe 2688
realsched.exe 2704 RealNetworks Scheduler RealNetworks, Inc.
sqlmangr.exe 2872 SQL Server Service Manager Microsoft Corporation
WebChecker.exe 2888 20
UltraMon.exe 2904 UltraMon Realtime Soft
UltraMonTaskbar.exe 3056 UltraMon Taskbar Realtime Soft
OUTLOOK.EXE 3572 Microsoft Office Outlook Microsoft Corporation
CacheMonitor.exe 4328 175
devenv.exe 3080 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Microsoft
Corporation 518
procexp.exe 5476 17 Sysinternals Process Explorer Sysinternals
devenv.exe 5852 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Microsoft
Corporation 518
Process: explorer.exe Pid: 3928
Name Description Company Name Version
7-zipn.dll 7-Zip Shell Extension Igor Pavlov 3.13.0000.0000
AcroIEHelper.dll Adobe Acrobat IE Helper Version 6.0 for ActivieX Adobe
Systems Incorporated 6.00.0001.1091
AcroIEHelper.dll Adobe Acrobat IE Helper Version 6.0 for ActivieX Adobe
Systems Incorporated 6.00.0001.1091
activeds.dll ADs Router Layer DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
actxprxy.dll ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
adsldpc.dll ADs LDAP Provider C DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
advapi32.dll Advanced Windows 32 Base API Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
apphelp.dll Application Compatibility Client Library Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
atl.dll ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode) Microsoft
Corporation 3.05.2283.0000
batmeter.dll Battery Meter Helper DLL Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
browselc.dll Shell Browser UI Library Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
browseui.dll Shell Browser UI Library Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0115
cfgmgr32.dll Configuration Manager Forwarder DLL Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
clbcatq.dll COM+ Configuration Catalog Microsoft
Corporation 2001.12.4720.0130
clusapi.dll Cluster API Library Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
comctl32.dll User Experience Controls Library Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
comctl32.dll Common Controls Library Microsoft Corporation 5.82.3790.0000
comdlg32.dll Common Dialogs DLL Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
comres.dll COM+ Resources Microsoft Corporation 2001.12.4720.0000
credui.dll Credential Manager User Interface Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
crypt32.dll Crypto API32 Microsoft Corporation 5.131.3790.0000
cscdll.dll Offline Network Agent Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
cscui.dll Client Side Caching UI Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
davclnt.dll Web DAV Client DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
drprov.dll Microsoft Terminal Server Network Provider Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
duser.dll Windows DirectUser Engine Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
explorer.exe Windows Explorer Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
gdi32.dll GDI Client DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
imm32.dll Windows IMM32 API Client DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
iphlpapi.dll IP Helper API Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
iRivEncrypt.dll iRivEncrypt Module 1.00.0000.0001
kernel32.dll Windows NT BASE API Client DLL Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
linkinfo.dll Windows Volume Tracking Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
lpk.dll Language Pack Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
midimap.dll Microsoft MIDI Mapper Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
mpr.dll Multiple Provider Router DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
msacm32.dll Microsoft ACM Audio Filter Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
msacm32.drv Microsoft Sound Mapper Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
msasn1.dll ASN.1 Runtime APIs Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0139
MSCTF.dll MSCTF Server DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
MSCTFIME.IME Microsoft Text Frame Work Service IME Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
msi.dll Windows Installer Microsoft Corporation 2.00.3790.0000
msimg32.dll GDIEXT Client DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
MSIMTF.dll Active IMM Server DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
MSOHEV.DLL Microsoft Office 2003 component Microsoft
Corporation 11.00.5510.0000
msv1_0.dll Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0 Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
msvcrt.dll Windows NT CRT DLL Microsoft Corporation 7.00.3790.0000
netapi32.dll Net Win32 API DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
netshell.dll Network Connections Shell Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
netui0.dll NT LM UI Common Code - GUI Classes Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
netui1.dll NT LM UI Common Code - Networking classes Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
ntdll.dll NT Layer DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
ntlanman.dll Microsoft® Lan Manager Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
ntshrui.dll Shell extensions for sharing Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
ole32.dll Microsoft OLE for Windows Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0138
oleaut32.dll Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
powrprof.dll Power Profile Helper DLL Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
printui.dll Print UI DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
rasapi32.dll Remote Access API Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
rasman.dll Remote Access Connection Manager Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
rpcrt4.dll Remote Procedure Call Runtime Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0137
RTSUltraMonHook.dll Hook DLL for Realtime Soft UltraMon Realtime
Soft 2.05.0022.0000
RTSUltraMonHookRes.dll UltraMon Resource DLL Realtime Soft 2.02.0017.0001
rtutils.dll Routing Utilities Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
samlib.dll SAM Library DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
secur32.dll Security Support Provider Interface Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
sensapi.dll SENS Connectivity API DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
setupapi.dll Windows Setup API Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
shdoclc.dll Shell Doc Object and Control Library Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
shdocvw.dll Shell Doc Object and Control Library Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0118
shell32.dll Windows Shell Common Dll Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
shellstyle.dll Windows Shell Style Resource Dll Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
shellstyle.dll Windows Shell Style Resource Dll Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
shlwapi.dll Shell Light-weight Utility Library Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
Srext.dll Search and Replace Shell Extension DLL Funduc Software Inc. 0.01.0001.0000
sslsvc.dll WS_FTP SSL DLL Ipswitch, Inc. 10 Maguire Road - Suite 220
Lexington, MA 02421 8.00.0003.0000
stobject.dll Systray shell service object Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
sxs.dll Fusion 2.5 Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
tapi32.dll Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony API Client DLL Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
twext.dll Previous Versions property page Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
urlmon.dll OLE32 Extensions for Win32 Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0115
user32.dll Windows USER API Client DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0073
userenv.dll Userenv Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
usp10.dll Uniscribe Unicode script processor Microsoft
Corporation 1.421.3790.0000
uxtheme.dll Microsoft UxTheme Library Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
version.dll Version Checking and File Installation Libraries Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
wdmaud.drv WDM Audio driver mapper Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
webcheck.dll Web Site Monitor Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
wininet.dll Internet Extensions for Win32 Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0118
winmm.dll MCI API DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
winspool.drv Windows Spooler Driver Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
winsta.dll Winstation Library Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
wldap32.dll Win32 LDAP API DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
ws2_32.dll Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
ws2help.dll Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
wsftpext.dll WS_FTP Pro Extension Library Ipswitch, Inc. 10 Maguire Road -
Suite 220 Lexington, MA 02421 8.00.0003.0000
wsftpsi.dll wsftpsi Module Ipswitch, Inc. 10 Maguire Road - Suite 220
Lexington, MA 02421 8.00.0003.0000
wsock32.dll Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
wtsapi32.dll Windows Terminal Server SDK APIs Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
zipfldr.dll Compressed (zipped) Folders Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
John|||Sorry, there must be something missing from your post. I don't see the list
of DLLs for the VS process (devenv.exe). Could you dump out the DLLs just
for the VS process, and please include the DLL Path?
Albert Yen
SQL Server Reporting Services
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"John Carpenter" <nospam@.please> wrote in message
> Hi Albert,
> Thanks very much for the reply.
> Here goes!!
> Process PID CPU Description Company Name Methods Jitted
> System Idle Process 0 79
> Interrupts 0 1 Hardware Interrupts
> DPCs 0 Deferred Procedure Calls
> System 4 2
> smss.exe 408 Windows NT Session Manager Microsoft Corporation
> csrss.exe 456 Client Server Runtime Process Microsoft Corporation
> winlogon.exe 480 Windows NT Logon Application Microsoft Corporation
> services.exe 524 1 Services and Controller app Microsoft Corporation
> svchost.exe 716 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
> Corporation
> wmiprvse.exe 2696 WMI Microsoft Corporation
> vsmsvr.exe 5916 Microsoft Visual Studio Macros Runtime
> Server Microsoft Corporation 44
> vsmsvr.exe 216 Microsoft Visual Studio Macros Runtime
> Server Microsoft Corporation 44
> svchost.exe 760 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
> Corporation
> svchost.exe 880 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
> Corporation
> svchost.exe 904 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
> Corporation
> svchost.exe 936 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
> Corporation
> spoolsv.exe 1204 Spooler SubSystem App Microsoft Corporation
> SpntSvc.exe 1292 ServerProtect Win32-based service Trend Micro Inc.
> StWatchDog.exe 1552 WatchDog Trend Micro Inc.
> StOPP.exe 1588 Execute OPP Trend Micro Inc.
> msdtc.exe 1612 MS DTCconsole program Microsoft Corporation
> appmgr.exe 1716 Remote Server Manager Microsoft Corporation
> dfssvc.exe 1740 Windows NT Distributed File System Service Microsoft
> Corporation
> elementmgr.exe 1796 Web Element Manager Microsoft Corporation
> svchost.exe 1840 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
> Corporation
> mdm.exe 1940 Machine Debug Manager Microsoft Corporation
> sqlservr.exe 1960 SQL Server Windows NT Microsoft Corporation
> NCS.exe 1988 DevPartner Analysis Control Service Compuware
> Corporation
> svchost.exe 2024 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
> Corporation
> ReportingServicesService.exe 140 Report Scheduling and Delivery
> Server Windows NT Service Microsoft Corporation 1,888
> srvcsurg.exe 400 Remote Administration Service Microsoft Corporation
> vmware-authd.exe 452
> VMnetDHCP.exe 188 VMnet DHCP Service VMware, Inc.
> vmnat.exe 820
> dsamain.exe 984 AD/AM Active Directory Application Mode Microsoft
> Corporation
> mqsvc.exe 1260 Message Queuing Service Microsoft Corporation
> mssearch.exe 1772 Microsoft PKM Search Service Microsoft Corporation
> sqlagent.exe 2348 Microsoft SQL Server Agent Microsoft Corporation
> mqtgsvc.exe 2476 Message Queuing Trigger Service Microsoft
> Corporation
> svchost.exe 3640 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
> Corporation
> inetinfo.exe 3004 Internet Information Services Microsoft
> Corporation
> svchost.exe 3168 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft
> Corporation
> msiexec.exe 5480 Windows® installer Microsoft Corporation
> lsass.exe 536 LSA Shell Microsoft Corporation
> explorer.exe 3928 1 Windows Explorer Microsoft Corporation
> iHPDetect.exe 2688
> realsched.exe 2704 RealNetworks Scheduler RealNetworks, Inc.
> sqlmangr.exe 2872 SQL Server Service Manager Microsoft Corporation
> WebChecker.exe 2888 20
> UltraMon.exe 2904 UltraMon Realtime Soft
> UltraMonTaskbar.exe 3056 UltraMon Taskbar Realtime Soft
> OUTLOOK.EXE 3572 Microsoft Office Outlook Microsoft Corporation
> CacheMonitor.exe 4328 175
> devenv.exe 3080 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Microsoft
> Corporation 518
> procexp.exe 5476 17 Sysinternals Process Explorer Sysinternals
> devenv.exe 5852 Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Microsoft
> Corporation 518
> Process: explorer.exe Pid: 3928
> Name Description Company Name Version
> 7-zipn.dll 7-Zip Shell Extension Igor Pavlov 3.13.0000.0000
> AcroIEHelper.dll Adobe Acrobat IE Helper Version 6.0 for ActivieX Adobe
> Systems Incorporated 6.00.0001.1091
> AcroIEHelper.dll Adobe Acrobat IE Helper Version 6.0 for ActivieX Adobe
> Systems Incorporated 6.00.0001.1091
> activeds.dll ADs Router Layer DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> actxprxy.dll ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
> adsldpc.dll ADs LDAP Provider C DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> advapi32.dll Advanced Windows 32 Base API Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> apphelp.dll Application Compatibility Client Library Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> atl.dll ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode) Microsoft
> Corporation 3.05.2283.0000
> batmeter.dll Battery Meter Helper DLL Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
> browselc.dll Shell Browser UI Library Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
> browseui.dll Shell Browser UI Library Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0115
> cfgmgr32.dll Configuration Manager Forwarder DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> clbcatq.dll COM+ Configuration Catalog Microsoft
> Corporation 2001.12.4720.0130
> clusapi.dll Cluster API Library Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> comctl32.dll User Experience Controls Library Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
> comctl32.dll Common Controls Library Microsoft Corporation 5.82.3790.0000
> comdlg32.dll Common Dialogs DLL Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
> comres.dll COM+ Resources Microsoft Corporation 2001.12.4720.0000
> credui.dll Credential Manager User Interface Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> crypt32.dll Crypto API32 Microsoft Corporation 5.131.3790.0000
> cscdll.dll Offline Network Agent Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> cscui.dll Client Side Caching UI Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> ctype.nls
> davclnt.dll Web DAV Client DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> drprov.dll Microsoft Terminal Server Network Provider Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> duser.dll Windows DirectUser Engine Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> explorer.exe Windows Explorer Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
> gdi32.dll GDI Client DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> imm32.dll Windows IMM32 API Client DLL Microsoft Corporation
> index.dat
> index.dat
> index.dat
> index.dat
> iphlpapi.dll IP Helper API Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> iRivEncrypt.dll iRivEncrypt Module 1.00.0000.0001
> kernel32.dll Windows NT BASE API Client DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> libeay32.dll
> linkinfo.dll Windows Volume Tracking Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> locale.nls
> lpk.dll Language Pack Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> midimap.dll Microsoft MIDI Mapper Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> mpr.dll Multiple Provider Router DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> msacm32.dll Microsoft ACM Audio Filter Microsoft Corporation
> msacm32.drv Microsoft Sound Mapper Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> msasn1.dll ASN.1 Runtime APIs Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0139
> MSCTF.dll MSCTF Server DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> MSCTFIME.IME Microsoft Text Frame Work Service IME Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> msi.dll Windows Installer Microsoft Corporation 2.00.3790.0000
> msimg32.dll GDIEXT Client DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> MSIMTF.dll Active IMM Server DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> MSOHEV.DLL Microsoft Office 2003 component Microsoft
> Corporation 11.00.5510.0000
> msv1_0.dll Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0 Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> msvcrt.dll Windows NT CRT DLL Microsoft Corporation 7.00.3790.0000
> netapi32.dll Net Win32 API DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> netshell.dll Network Connections Shell Microsoft Corporation
> netui0.dll NT LM UI Common Code - GUI Classes Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> netui1.dll NT LM UI Common Code - Networking classes Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> ntdll.dll NT Layer DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> ntlanman.dll Microsoft® Lan Manager Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> ntshrui.dll Shell extensions for sharing Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
> ole32.dll Microsoft OLE for Windows Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0138
> oleaut32.dll Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> powrprof.dll Power Profile Helper DLL Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
> printui.dll Print UI DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> R000000000029.clb
> rasapi32.dll Remote Access API Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> rasman.dll Remote Access Connection Manager Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> rpcrt4.dll Remote Procedure Call Runtime Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0137
> RTSUltraMonHook.dll Hook DLL for Realtime Soft UltraMon Realtime
> Soft 2.05.0022.0000
> RTSUltraMonHookRes.dll UltraMon Resource DLL Realtime Soft 2.02.0017.0001
> rtutils.dll Routing Utilities Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> samlib.dll SAM Library DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> secur32.dll Security Support Provider Interface Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> sensapi.dll SENS Connectivity API DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> setupapi.dll Windows Setup API Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> shdoclc.dll Shell Doc Object and Control Library Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
> shdocvw.dll Shell Doc Object and Control Library Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0118
> shell32.dll Windows Shell Common Dll Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
> shellstyle.dll Windows Shell Style Resource Dll Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> shellstyle.dll Windows Shell Style Resource Dll Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> shlwapi.dll Shell Light-weight Utility Library Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
> sortkey.nls
> sorttbls.nls
> Srext.dll Search and Replace Shell Extension DLL Funduc Software Inc.
> 0.01.0001.0000
> ssleay32.dll
> sslsvc.dll WS_FTP SSL DLL Ipswitch, Inc. 10 Maguire Road - Suite 220
> Lexington, MA 02421 8.00.0003.0000
> stobject.dll Systray shell service object Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> sxs.dll Fusion 2.5 Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> tapi32.dll Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony API Client DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> twext.dll Previous Versions property page Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
> unicode.nls
> urlmon.dll OLE32 Extensions for Win32 Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0115
> user32.dll Windows USER API Client DLL Microsoft Corporation
> userenv.dll Userenv Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> usp10.dll Uniscribe Unicode script processor Microsoft
> Corporation 1.421.3790.0000
> uxtheme.dll Microsoft UxTheme Library Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
> version.dll Version Checking and File Installation Libraries Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> wdmaud.drv WDM Audio driver mapper Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> webcheck.dll Web Site Monitor Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
> wininet.dll Internet Extensions for Win32 Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0118
> winmm.dll MCI API DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> winspool.drv Windows Spooler Driver Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> winsta.dll Winstation Library Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> wldap32.dll Win32 LDAP API DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> ws2_32.dll Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> ws2help.dll Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> wsfirscr.dll
> wsftpext.dll WS_FTP Pro Extension Library Ipswitch, Inc. 10 Maguire Road -
> Suite 220 Lexington, MA 02421 8.00.0003.0000
> wsftplib.dll
> wsftpsi.dll wsftpsi Module Ipswitch, Inc. 10 Maguire Road - Suite 220
> Lexington, MA 02421 8.00.0003.0000
> wshosts.dll
> wsock32.dll Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> wtsapi32.dll Windows Terminal Server SDK APIs Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> zipfldr.dll Compressed (zipped) Folders Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
> John|||On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 10:51:53 -0700, Albert Yen [MSFT]
<> wrote:
> Sorry, there must be something missing from your post. I don't see the
> list
> of DLLs for the VS process (devenv.exe). Could you dump out the DLLs
> just
> for the VS process, and please include the DLL Path?
Ah, sorry about that. I think I misunderstood what I was supposed to do.
(I haven't used Process Explorer before).
Is this what you mean...?
Process: devenv.exe Pid: 3724
Name Description Company Name Version Path
~DF9448.tmp C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
~DF9448.tmp C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
~DF944D.tmp C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
~DF944D.tmp C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
~DFA373.tmp C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
~DFA373.tmp C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
~DFA378.tmp C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
~DFA378.tmp C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
accessibility.dll Accessibility.dll Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 c:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC\accessibility\1.0.5000.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\accessibility.dll
ActPrjUI.dll ACT Package Resources Microsoft
Corporation 1.00.0536.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft ACT\1033\ActPrjUI.dll
advapi32.dll Advanced Windows 32 Base API Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\advapi32.dll
alink.dll Assembly Linker Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3052.0004 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\alink.dll
apphelp.dll Application Compatibility Client Library Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\apphelp.dll
atl70.dll ATL Module for Windows (Unicode) Microsoft
Corporation 7.00.9466.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\atl70.dll
atl71.dll ATL Module for Windows (Unicode) Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\atl71.dll
browseui.dll Shell Browser UI Library Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0115 C:\WINDOWS\system32\browseui.dll
CharInfo.nlp C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\CharInfo.nlp
clbcatq.dll COM+ Configuration Catalog Microsoft
Corporation 2001.12.4720.0130 C:\WINDOWS\system32\clbcatq.dll
comctl32.dll User Experience Controls Library Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.100.0_x-ww_8417450B\comctl32.dll
comctl32.dll Common Controls Library Microsoft
Corporation 5.82.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.0.0_x-ww_8A69BA05\comctl32.dll
comdlg32.dll Common Dialogs DLL Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\comdlg32.dll
compluslm.dll Complus Library Manager Package Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
comres.dll COM+ Resources Microsoft
Corporation 2001.12.4720.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\comres.dll
crypt32.dll Crypto API32 Microsoft
Corporation 5.131.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\crypt32.dll
cscomp.dll Visual C# Compiler Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3052.0004 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\cscomp.dll
cscompui.dll Visual C# .NET Compiler Error/Warning Messages Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3052.0004 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\1033\cscompui.dll
cslangsvc.dll Microsoft Visual C# Package DLL Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
cslangsvcui.dll Microsoft Visual C# Package DLL Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
csprojui.dll C# Project System DLL Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
csspkg.dll VB7 CSS Editing Package Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
csspkgui.dll VB7 CSS Editing Package Resources Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
ctype.nls C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctype.nls
culture.nlp C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\culture.nlp
dciman32.dll DCI Manager Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\dciman32.dll
devenv.exe Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
diasymreader.dll Dia based SymReader Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3052.0004 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\diasymreader.dll
DPAnalysisPkg.dll DevPartner Analysis Package Compuware
Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
DPAnalysisPkgCE.dll DevPartner Performance Analysis Package (Community
Edition) Satellite Resources Compuware
Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
DPPkg.dll DevPartner Studio Base Package for VS.NET Compuware
Corporation 7.01.0000.0521 C:\Program Files\Common
dppkgUITT.dll DevPartner Studio Base Package Compuware
Corporation 7.01.0000.0521 C:\Program Files\Common
dpprjui.dll Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Deployment Projects UI
Dll Microsoft Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Tools\Deployment\Vspkgs\1033\dpprjui.dll
DPSUIu.dll DPS UI Unicode Utilities Compuware
Corporation 7.01.0000.0521 C:\Program Files\Common
DPTxCmn.dll DevPartner Performance and Coverage Analysis Common
UI Compuware Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program
Files\Compuware\DevPartner Studio\Analysis\DPTxCmn.dll
DpTxData.dll DevPartner Analysis Data File Reader Compuware
Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
DPTxDataMan.dll DevPartner Analysis Data File Manipulator Compuware
Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
DPTxHelp.dll DevPartner Tx Help Library Compuware
Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
DPTxUIComp.dll DevPartner Tx UI Component Library Compuware
Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
dte.olb Development Environment 7.0 Extensibility Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
envdte.dll envDTE.dll Microsoft
Corporation 7.00.9466.0000 c:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC\EnvDTE\7.0.3300.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\envdte.dll
esprojui.dll C# Project System Resource DLL Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
fusion.dll Assembly manager Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\fusion.dll
gdi32.dll GDI Client DLL Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll
GdiPlus.dll Microsoft GDI+ Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.GdiPlus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.100.0_x-ww_0D1F9F94\GdiPlus.dll
htmed.dll Visual Basic HTML Editor DLL Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
htmedui.dll Visual Basic HTML Editor DLL Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
hxds.dll Microsoft® Help Data Services Module Microsoft
Corporation 2.02.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
imagehlp.dll Windows NT Image Helper Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\imagehlp.dll
imm32.dll Windows IMM32 API Client DLL Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\imm32.dll
index.dat C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat
index.dat C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Cookies\index.dat
index.dat C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
kernel32.dll Windows NT BASE API Client DLL Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
l_except.nlp C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\l_except.nlp
l_intl.nlp C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\l_intl.nlp
locale.nls C:\WINDOWS\system32\locale.nls
lpk.dll Language Pack Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\lpk.dll
mfc70u.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version Microsoft
Corporation 7.00.9466.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\mfc70u.dll
microsoft.datawarehouse.dll Microsoft.DataWarehouse Microsoft
Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program files\microsoft sql
server\80\Tools\report designer\microsoft.datawarehouse.dll
microsoft.datawarehouse.interfaces.dll Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Interfaces Microsoft
Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program files\microsoft sql
server\80\Tools\report designer\microsoft.datawarehouse.interfaces.dll
microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.dll Visual Studio Integration
Library Microsoft Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program files\microsoft
sql server\80\Tools\report
Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Helpers.dll Data Warehouse Native
Helpers Microsoft Corporation 2000.80.0878.0000 c:\Program Files\Microsoft
SQL Server\80\Tools\Bin\Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Helpers.dll
microsoft.reportingservices.designer.dll Reporting Services Report
Designer Microsoft Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program files\microsoft
sql server\80\Tools\report
Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer.rll Report Designer
Resources Microsoft Corporation 2000.80.0878.0000 C:\Program
Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Report
microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll Reporting Services
Diagnostics Microsoft Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program
files\microsoft sql server\80\Tools\report
microsoft.reportingservices.interfaces.dll Reporting Services
Interfaces Microsoft Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program files\microsoft
sql server\80\Tools\report
microsoft.reportingservices.processing.dll Reporting Services
Processing Microsoft Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program files\microsoft
sql server\80\Tools\report
microsoft.reportingservices.reportpreview.dll Microsoft Reporting Services
Report Preview Microsoft Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program
files\microsoft sql server\80\Tools\report
microsoft.sqlserver.wizardframework.dll Microsoft SQL Server Wizard
Framework Microsoft Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program files\microsoft
sql server\80\Tools\report designer\microsoft.sqlserver.wizardframework.dll
Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll Visual Basic Runtime Library Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3052.0004 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll Visual Basic Runtime Library Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3052.0004 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
microsoft.visualstudio.designer.interfaces.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.Designer.Interfaces.dll Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 c:\program files\microsoft visual studio .net
microsoft.visualstudio.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.dll Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 c:\program files\microsoft visual studio .net
microsoft.visualstudio.dll c:\WINDOWS\assembly\nativeimages1_v1.1.4322\microsoft.visualstudio\1.0.5000.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a_39528405\microsoft.visualstudio.dll
microsoft.visualstudio.ole.interop.dll Microsoft
Corporation 8.00.30310.0001 c:\program files\microsoft sql
server\80\Tools\report designer\microsoft.visualstudio.ole.interop.dll Microsoft
Corporation 8.00.30310.0001 c:\program files\microsoft sql
server\80\Tools\report designer\
microsoft.visualstudio.textmanager.interop.dll Microsoft
Corporation 8.00.30310.0001 c:\program files\microsoft sql
microsoft.visualstudio.wizardframework.dll VSWizards Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 c:\program files\microsoft visual studio .net
microsoft.vsa.vb.codedomprocessor.dll Microsoft (r) VSA VB CodeDOM
Processor Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3052.0004 c:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC\microsoft.vsa.vb.codedomprocessor\7.0.5000.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\microsoft.vsa.vb.codedomprocessor.dll
microsoft.vsdesigner.dll VisualStudio Designer Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 c:\program files\microsoft visual studio .net
microsoft.vsdesigner.dll c:\WINDOWS\assembly\nativeimages1_v1.1.4322\microsoft.vsdesigner\7.0.5000.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a_867d2daa\microsoft.vsdesigner.dll
midimap.dll Microsoft MIDI Mapper Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\midimap.dll
mpr.dll Multiple Provider Router DLL Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\mpr.dll
msacm32.dll Microsoft ACM Audio Filter Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msacm32.dll
msacm32.drv Microsoft Sound Mapper Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msacm32.drv
msasn1.dll ASN.1 Runtime APIs Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0139 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msasn1.dll
msats10ui.dll msats10ui Microsoft Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
mscoree.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 C:\WINDOWS\system32\mscoree.dll
mscorjit.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Just-In-Time Compiler Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\mscorjit.dll
mscorlib.dll Microsoft Common Language Runtime Class Library Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 c:\WINDOWS\\framework\v1.1.4322\mscorlib.dll
mscorlib.dll c:\WINDOWS\assembly\nativeimages1_v1.1.4322\mscorlib\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089_639cd730\mscorlib.dll
mscorlib.dll Microsoft Common Language Runtime Class Library Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\mscorlib.dll
mscorlib.dll Microsoft Common Language Runtime Class Library Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\mscorlib.dll
mscorlib.tlb Microsoft Common Language Runtime Class Library Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\mscorlib.tlb
mscorpe.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime PE File Generator Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\mscorpe.dll
mscorrc.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime resources Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\mscorrc.dll
mscorsn.dll Microsoft .NET Strong Name Support Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\mscorsn.dll
mscorwks.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime -
WorkStation Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\mscorwks.dll
MSCTF.dll MSCTF Server DLL Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll
MSCTFIME.IME Microsoft Text Frame Work Service IME Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTFIME.IME
msdbg2.dll Active Debugging Proxy/Stub Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
msenv.dll Development Environment DLL Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
msenv.dll Development Environment DLL Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
msenvmnu.dll Visual Studio Environment Menu Registration DLL Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
msenvmui.dll Visual Studio Environment Menu Resource DLL Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
msenvui.dll Development Environment Resource DLL Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
msi.dll Windows Installer Microsoft
Corporation 2.00.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msi.dll
MSIMTF.dll Active IMM Server DLL Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSIMTF.dll
msitss.dll Microsoft® InfoTech Storage System Library Microsoft
Corporation 5.40.1171.0001 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
Shared\Information Retrieval\msitss.dll
MSO.DLL Microsoft Office XP component Microsoft
Corporation 10.00.6626.0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
MSOINTL.DLL Microsoft Office XP component Microsoft
Corporation 10.00.6515.0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
msvb7.dll Microsoft Visual Basic Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
msvb7ui.dll Visual Basic Resource DLL Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
msvbprjUI.dll Visual Basic Project DLL Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
msvcp60.dll Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library Microsoft
Corporation 6.05.2144.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcp60.dll
msvcp70.dll Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library Microsoft
Corporation 7.00.9466.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcp70.dll
msvcp71.dll Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library Microsoft
Corporation 8.00.21213.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcp71.dll
msvcr70.dll Microsoft® C Runtime Library Microsoft
Corporation 7.00.9466.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcr70.dll
msvcr71.dll Microsoft® C Runtime Library Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3052.0004 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
msvcrt.dll Windows NT CRT DLL Microsoft
Corporation 7.00.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll
msxml3.dll MSXML 3.0 SP 4 Microsoft
Corporation 8.40.9419.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml3.dll
msxml3r.dll XML Resources Microsoft
Corporation 8.20.8730.0001 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml3r.dll
netapi32.dll Net Win32 API DLL Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\netapi32.dll
netmsg.dll Net Messages DLL Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\netmsg.dll
NMCtiSlnExt.dll DevPartner Studio CTI Solution Extender VS.NET Compuware
Corporation 7.01.0000.0521 C:\Program Files\Common
NMCtiSlnExtUI.dll DevPartner Studio CTI Solution Extender VS.NET Compuware
Corporation 7.01.0000.0521 C:\Program Files\Common
ntdll.dll NT Layer DLL Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
ntmarta.dll Windows NT MARTA provider Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntmarta.dll
odbc32.dll Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager Microsoft
Corporation 3.525.1022.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\odbc32.dll
odbcint.dll Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Resources Microsoft
Corporation 3.525.1022.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\odbcint.dll
ole32.dll Microsoft OLE for Windows Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0138 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll
oleacc.dll Active Accessibility Core Component Microsoft
Corporation 4.02.5406.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\oleacc.dll
oleaccrc.dll Active Accessibility Resource DLL Microsoft
Corporation 4.02.5406.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\oleaccrc.dll
oleaut32.dll Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\oleaut32.dll
oledlg.dll Microsoft Windows(TM) OLE 2.0 User Interface Support Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\oledlg.dll
psapi.dll Process Status Helper Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\psapi.dll
R000000000029.clb C:\WINDOWS\Registration\R000000000029.clb
RICHED20.DLL Rich Text Edit Control, v4.0 Microsoft
Corporation 5.40.0011.2212 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
rpcrt4.dll Remote Procedure Call Runtime Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0137 C:\WINDOWS\system32\rpcrt4.dll
rsaenh.dll Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll
RTSUltraMonHook.dll Hook DLL for Realtime Soft UltraMon Realtime
Soft 2.05.0022.0000 C:\Program Files\UltraMon\RTSUltraMonHook.dll
RTSUltraMonHookRes.dll UltraMon Resource DLL Realtime
Soft 2.02.0017.0001 C:\Program
samlib.dll SAM Library DLL Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\samlib.dll
secur32.dll Security Support Provider Interface Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\secur32.dll
setupapi.dll Windows Setup API Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\setupapi.dll
shell32.dll Windows Shell Common Dll Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll
shfolder.dll Shell Folder Service Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\shfolder.dll
shlwapi.dll Shell Light-weight Utility Library Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\shlwapi.dll
sortkey.nlp C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\sortkey.nlp
sortkey.nls C:\WINDOWS\system32\sortkey.nls
sorttbls.nlp C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\sorttbls.nlp
sorttbls.nls C:\WINDOWS\system32\sorttbls.nls
stdole2.tlb Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\stdole2.tlb
sxs.dll Fusion 2.5 Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\sxs.dll System.Design.dll Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 c:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC\\1.0.5000.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\ c:\WINDOWS\assembly\nativeimages1_v1.1.4322\\1.0.5000.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a_dc69c0cd\
System.dll System.dll Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 c:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC\System\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\System.dll
System.dll c:\WINDOWS\assembly\nativeimages1_v1.1.4322\System\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089_5a713a12\System.dll
system.drawing.dll System.Drawing.dll Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 c:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC\system.drawing\1.0.5000.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\system.drawing.dll
system.drawing.dll c:\WINDOWS\assembly\nativeimages1_v1.1.4322\system.drawing\1.0.5000.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a_33cb5a46\system.drawing.dll
System.Drawing.tlb System.Drawing.dll Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.Drawing.tlb
System.tlb System.dll Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.tlb
system.web.dll System.Web.dll Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 c:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC\System.Web\1.0.5000.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\system.web.dll System.Windows.Forms.dll Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 c:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC\\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\ c:\WINDOWS\assembly\nativeimages1_v1.1.4322\\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089_04e0156b\
System.Windows.Forms.tlb System.Windows.Forms.dll Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\System.Windows.Forms.tlb
system.xml.dll System.Xml.dll Microsoft
Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 c:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC\System.Xml\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089\system.xml.dll
system.xml.dll c:\WINDOWS\assembly\nativeimages1_v1.1.4322\System.Xml\1.0.5000.0__b77a5c561934e089_450b236d\system.xml.dll
tahoma.ttf C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\tahoma.ttf
tahomabd.ttf C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\tahomabd.ttf
TCPkg.dll DevPartner Coverage Analysis Package Compuware
Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
TTPkg.dll DevPartner Performance Analysis Package Compuware
Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
TXCOMps.dll DevPartner Tx Communications Library Compuware
Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
UMLVSUI.DLL Visio UML modeling for VS7 language pack. Microsoft
Corporation 11.00.3216.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft
unicode.nls C:\WINDOWS\system32\unicode.nls
urlmon.dll OLE32 Extensions for Win32 Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0115 C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll
user32.dll Windows USER API Client DLL Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0073 C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll
userenv.dll Userenv Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\userenv.dll
usp10.dll Uniscribe Unicode script processor Microsoft
Corporation 1.421.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\usp10.dll
uxtheme.dll Microsoft UxTheme Library Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll
vavsaui.dll Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Visual System Analyzer
Package Microsoft Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Tools\Analyzer\VAPkg\1033\vavsaui.dll
vdt70p.dll Microsoft Visual Database Tools Package 7.00 Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
vdt70pui.dll Microsoft Visual Database Tools Package 7.00 Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
vdt70pui.dll Microsoft Visual Database Tools Package 7.00 Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
version.dll Version Checking and File Installation Libraries Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\version.dll
VisualStudioTeamCore.dll Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Team Core
Package Microsoft Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\IDE\VS SCC\VisualStudioTeamCore.dll
VisualStudioTeamCoreui.dll Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Team Core
Package Microsoft Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\IDE\VS SCC\1033\VisualStudioTeamCoreui.dll
Vsa7Director.dll Microsoft Visual Basic Design Time Engine
Director Microsoft Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Microsoft Shared\VSA\7.1\Common\Vsa7Director.dll
vsavb7dt.dll Microsoft Visual Basic Design-Time Scripting Engine Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
vsavb7dt.dll Microsoft Visual Basic Design-Time Scripting Engine Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
vsavb7dtui.dll Microsoft Visual Basic Design-Time Scripting Engine
Resources Microsoft Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Microsoft Shared\VSA\7.1\Common\1033\vsavb7dtui.dll
vsbrowse.dll Visual Studio WebBrowser Package Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
vsbrowseui.dll Visual Studio WebBrowser Package Resources Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
vsdebug.dll Microsoft Visual Studio Debugger Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
VSDebugUI.dll Visual Studio Debugger Package Resources Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
vsdebugui.dll Visual Studio Debugger Package Resources Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
vslangproj.dll The metadata wrapper for VSLangProj.tlb Microsoft
Corporation 7.00.9466.0000 c:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC\vslangproj\7.0.3300.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\vslangproj.dll
vsmacros.dll Microsoft Design Tools - Framework Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
vsmacros.dll Microsoft Design Tools - Framework Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
vsmacrosui.dll Microsoft Design Tools - Framework Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
vsmsvrp.dll vsmsvr Package Proxy Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
vsscc.dll Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Source Control Package Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
2003\Common7\IDE\VS SCC\vsscc.dll
vssccui.dll Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Source Control Package Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
2003\Common7\IDE\VS SCC\1033\vssccui.dll
vssccui.dll Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Source Control Package Microsoft
Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
2003\Common7\IDE\VS SCC\1033\vssccui.dll
wdmaud.drv WDM Audio driver mapper Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdmaud.drv
wininet.dll Internet Extensions for Win32 Microsoft
Corporation 6.00.3790.0118 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wininet.dll
winmm.dll MCI API DLL Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\winmm.dll
winspool.drv Windows Spooler Driver Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\winspool.drv
wldap32.dll Win32 LDAP API DLL Microsoft
Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wldap32.dll
XMPrjUI.dll DwPrj Package Resources Corel
Corporation 4.00.0004.0382 C:\Program Files\Corel\XMetaL
4\Developer\Bin\1033\XMPrjUI.dll|||I'm afraid I can't determine the cause of the problem by looking at this
info. Can you try debugging the Report Designer process with another
instance of VS? Try catching all CLR exceptions and see if any are thrown.
You might try to simply things by uninstalling DevStudio Partner first.
Albert Yen
SQL Server Reporting Services
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"John Carpenter" <nospam@.please> wrote in message
> On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 10:51:53 -0700, Albert Yen [MSFT]
> <> wrote:
> > Sorry, there must be something missing from your post. I don't see the
> > list
> > of DLLs for the VS process (devenv.exe). Could you dump out the DLLs
> > just
> > for the VS process, and please include the DLL Path?
> >
> Ah, sorry about that. I think I misunderstood what I was supposed to do.
> (I haven't used Process Explorer before).
> Is this what you mean...?
> Process: devenv.exe Pid: 3724
> Name Description Company Name Version Path
> ~DF9448.tmp C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
> Settings\Temp\~DF9448.tmp
> ~DF9448.tmp C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
> Settings\Temp\~DF9448.tmp
> ~DF944D.tmp C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
> Settings\Temp\~DF944D.tmp
> ~DF944D.tmp C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
> Settings\Temp\~DF944D.tmp
> ~DFA373.tmp C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
> Settings\Temp\~DFA373.tmp
> ~DFA373.tmp C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
> Settings\Temp\~DFA373.tmp
> ~DFA378.tmp C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
> Settings\Temp\~DFA378.tmp
> ~DFA378.tmp C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
> Settings\Temp\~DFA378.tmp
> accessibility.dll Accessibility.dll Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> ActPrjUI.dll ACT Package Resources Microsoft
> Corporation 1.00.0536.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft
> advapi32.dll Advanced Windows 32 Base API Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\advapi32.dll
> alink.dll Assembly Linker Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3052.0004
> apphelp.dll Application Compatibility Client Library Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\apphelp.dll
> atl70.dll ATL Module for Windows (Unicode) Microsoft
> Corporation 7.00.9466.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\atl70.dll
> atl71.dll ATL Module for Windows (Unicode) Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\atl71.dll
> browseui.dll Shell Browser UI Library Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0115 C:\WINDOWS\system32\browseui.dll
> CharInfo.nlp C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\CharInfo.nlp
> clbcatq.dll COM+ Configuration Catalog Microsoft
> Corporation 2001.12.4720.0130 C:\WINDOWS\system32\clbcatq.dll
> comctl32.dll User Experience Controls Library Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0000
> comctl32.dll Common Controls Library Microsoft
> Corporation 5.82.3790.0000
> comdlg32.dll Common Dialogs DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\comdlg32.dll
> compluslm.dll Complus Library Manager Package Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\compluslm.dll
> comres.dll COM+ Resources Microsoft
> Corporation 2001.12.4720.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\comres.dll
> crypt32.dll Crypto API32 Microsoft
> Corporation 5.131.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\crypt32.dll
> cscomp.dll Visual C# Compiler Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3052.0004
> cscompui.dll Visual C# .NET Compiler Error/Warning Messages Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3052.0004
> cslangsvc.dll Microsoft Visual C# Package DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Vc7\vcpackages\cslangsvc.dll
> cslangsvcui.dll Microsoft Visual C# Package DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Vc7\vcpackages\1033\cslangsvcui.dll
> csprojui.dll C# Project System DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Vc7\vcpackages\1033\csprojui.dll
> csspkg.dll VB7 CSS Editing Package Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\Packages\csspkg.dll
> csspkgui.dll VB7 CSS Editing Package Resources Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\Packages\1033\csspkgui.dll
> ctype.nls C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctype.nls
> culture.nlp C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\culture.nlp
> dciman32.dll DCI Manager Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\dciman32.dll
> devenv.exe Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
> diasymreader.dll Dia based SymReader Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3052.0004
> DPAnalysisPkg.dll DevPartner Analysis Package Compuware
> Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
> Studio\Analysis\DPAnalysisPkg.dll
> DPAnalysisPkgCE.dll DevPartner Performance Analysis Package (Community
> Edition) Satellite Resources Compuware
> Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
> Studio\Analysis\1033\DPAnalysisPkgCE.dll
> DPPkg.dll DevPartner Studio Base Package for VS.NET Compuware
> Corporation 7.01.0000.0521 C:\Program Files\Common
> Files\Compuware\NMShared\DPPkg.dll
> dppkgUITT.dll DevPartner Studio Base Package Compuware
> Corporation 7.01.0000.0521 C:\Program Files\Common
> Files\Compuware\NMShared\1033\dppkgUITT.dll
> dpprjui.dll Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Deployment Projects UI
> Dll Microsoft Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual
> Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Tools\Deployment\Vspkgs\1033\dpprjui.dll
> DPSUIu.dll DPS UI Unicode Utilities Compuware
> Corporation 7.01.0000.0521 C:\Program Files\Common
> Files\Compuware\NMShared\DPSUIu.dll
> DPTxCmn.dll DevPartner Performance and Coverage Analysis Common
> UI Compuware Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program
> Files\Compuware\DevPartner Studio\Analysis\DPTxCmn.dll
> DpTxData.dll DevPartner Analysis Data File Reader Compuware
> Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
> Studio\Analysis\DpTxData.dll
> DPTxDataMan.dll DevPartner Analysis Data File Manipulator Compuware
> Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
> Studio\Analysis\DPTxDataMan.dll
> DPTxHelp.dll DevPartner Tx Help Library Compuware
> Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
> Studio\Analysis\DPTxHelp.dll
> DPTxUIComp.dll DevPartner Tx UI Component Library Compuware
> Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
> Studio\Analysis\DPTxUIComp.dll
> dte.olb Development Environment 7.0 Extensibility Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
> Shared\MSEnv\dte.olb
> envdte.dll envDTE.dll Microsoft
> Corporation 7.00.9466.0000
> esprojui.dll C# Project System Resource DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\VC#\VCPackages\1033\esprojui.dll
> fusion.dll Assembly manager Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> gdi32.dll GDI Client DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll
> GdiPlus.dll Microsoft GDI+ Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000
> htmed.dll Visual Basic HTML Editor DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\Packages\htmed.dll
> htmedui.dll Visual Basic HTML Editor DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\Packages\1033\htmedui.dll
> hxds.dll Microsoft® Help Data Services Module Microsoft
> Corporation 2.02.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
> Shared\Help\hxds.dll
> imagehlp.dll Windows NT Image Helper Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\imagehlp.dll
> imm32.dll Windows IMM32 API Client DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\imm32.dll
> index.dat C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
> Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat
> index.dat C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Cookies\index.dat
> index.dat C:\Documents and Settings\john.carpenter\Local
> Settings\History\History.IE5\index.dat
> kernel32.dll Windows NT BASE API Client DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
> l_except.nlp C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\l_except.nlp
> l_intl.nlp C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\l_intl.nlp
> locale.nls C:\WINDOWS\system32\locale.nls
> lpk.dll Language Pack Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\lpk.dll
> mfc70u.dll MFCDLL Shared Library - Retail Version Microsoft
> Corporation 7.00.9466.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\mfc70u.dll
> microsoft.datawarehouse.dll Microsoft.DataWarehouse Microsoft
> Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program files\microsoft sql
> server\80\Tools\report designer\microsoft.datawarehouse.dll
> microsoft.datawarehouse.interfaces.dll Microsoft.DataWarehouse.Interfaces
> Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program files\microsoft sql
> server\80\Tools\report designer\microsoft.datawarehouse.interfaces.dll
> microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.dll Visual Studio Integration
> Library Microsoft Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program files\microsoft
> sql server\80\Tools\report
> designer\microsoft.datawarehouse.vsintegration.dll
> Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Helpers.dll Data Warehouse Native
> Helpers Microsoft Corporation 2000.80.0878.0000 c:\Program Files\Microsoft
> SQL Server\80\Tools\Bin\Microsoft.DataWarehouse.VsIntegration.Helpers.dll
> microsoft.reportingservices.designer.dll Reporting Services Report
> Designer Microsoft Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program files\microsoft
> sql server\80\Tools\report
> designer\microsoft.reportingservices.designer.dll
> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer.rll Report Designer
> Resources Microsoft Corporation 2000.80.0878.0000 C:\Program
> Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Report
> Designer\1033\Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer.rll
> microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll Reporting Services
> Diagnostics Microsoft Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program
> files\microsoft sql server\80\Tools\report
> designer\microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll
> microsoft.reportingservices.interfaces.dll Reporting Services
> Interfaces Microsoft Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program files\microsoft
> sql server\80\Tools\report
> designer\microsoft.reportingservices.interfaces.dll
> microsoft.reportingservices.processing.dll Reporting Services
> Processing Microsoft Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program files\microsoft
> sql server\80\Tools\report
> designer\microsoft.reportingservices.processing.dll
> microsoft.reportingservices.reportpreview.dll Microsoft Reporting Services
> Report Preview Microsoft Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program
> files\microsoft sql server\80\Tools\report
> designer\microsoft.reportingservices.reportpreview.dll
> microsoft.sqlserver.wizardframework.dll Microsoft SQL Server Wizard
> Framework Microsoft Corporation 8.00.0878.0000 c:\program files\microsoft
> sql server\80\Tools\report
> Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll Visual Basic Runtime Library Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3052.0004
> Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll Visual Basic Runtime Library Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3052.0004
> microsoft.visualstudio.designer.interfaces.dll
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Designer.Interfaces.dll Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 c:\program files\microsoft visual studio .net
> 2003\Common7\IDE\microsoft.visualstudio.designer.interfaces.dll
> microsoft.visualstudio.dll Microsoft.VisualStudio.dll Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 c:\program files\microsoft visual studio .net
> 2003\Common7\IDE\microsoft.visualstudio.dll
> microsoft.visualstudio.dll
> microsoft.visualstudio.ole.interop.dll Microsoft
> Corporation 8.00.30310.0001 c:\program files\microsoft sql
> server\80\Tools\report designer\microsoft.visualstudio.ole.interop.dll
> Microsoft
> Corporation 8.00.30310.0001 c:\program files\microsoft sql
> server\80\Tools\report designer\
> microsoft.visualstudio.textmanager.interop.dll Microsoft
> Corporation 8.00.30310.0001 c:\program files\microsoft sql
> server\80\Tools\report
> designer\microsoft.visualstudio.textmanager.interop.dll
> microsoft.visualstudio.wizardframework.dll VSWizards Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 c:\program files\microsoft visual studio .net
> 2003\Common7\IDE\microsoft.visualstudio.wizardframework.dll
> microsoft.vsa.vb.codedomprocessor.dll Microsoft (r) VSA VB CodeDOM
> Processor Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3052.0004
> microsoft.vsdesigner.dll VisualStudio Designer Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 c:\program files\microsoft visual studio .net
> 2003\Common7\IDE\microsoft.vsdesigner.dll
> microsoft.vsdesigner.dll
> midimap.dll Microsoft MIDI Mapper Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\midimap.dll
> mpr.dll Multiple Provider Router DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\mpr.dll
> msacm32.dll Microsoft ACM Audio Filter Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msacm32.dll
> msacm32.drv Microsoft Sound Mapper Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msacm32.drv
> msasn1.dll ASN.1 Runtime APIs Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0139 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msasn1.dll
> msats10ui.dll msats10ui Microsoft Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program
> Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\EnterpriseFrameworks\1033\msats10ui.dll
> mscoree.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573 C:\WINDOWS\system32\mscoree.dll
> mscorjit.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Just-In-Time Compiler Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> mscorlib.dll Microsoft Common Language Runtime Class Library Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> mscorlib.dll
> mscorlib.dll Microsoft Common Language Runtime Class Library Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> mscorlib.dll Microsoft Common Language Runtime Class Library Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> mscorlib.tlb Microsoft Common Language Runtime Class Library Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> mscorpe.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime PE File Generator Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> mscorrc.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime resources Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> mscorsn.dll Microsoft .NET Strong Name Support Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> mscorwks.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime -
> WorkStation Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> MSCTF.dll MSCTF Server DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll
> MSCTFIME.IME Microsoft Text Frame Work Service IME Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTFIME.IME
> msdbg2.dll Active Debugging Proxy/Stub Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
> Shared\VS7Debug\msdbg2.dll
> msenv.dll Development Environment DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\msenv.dll
> msenv.dll Development Environment DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\msenv.dll
> msenvmnu.dll Visual Studio Environment Menu Registration DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\msenvmnu.dll
> msenvmui.dll Visual Studio Environment Menu Resource DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\1033\msenvmui.dll
> msenvui.dll Development Environment Resource DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\1033\msenvui.dll
> msi.dll Windows Installer Microsoft
> Corporation 2.00.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msi.dll
> MSIMTF.dll Active IMM Server DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSIMTF.dll
> msitss.dll Microsoft® InfoTech Storage System Library Microsoft
> Corporation 5.40.1171.0001 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
> Shared\Information Retrieval\msitss.dll
> MSO.DLL Microsoft Office XP component Microsoft
> Corporation 10.00.6626.0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
> Shared\Office10\MSO.DLL
> MSOINTL.DLL Microsoft Office XP component Microsoft
> Corporation 10.00.6515.0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
> Shared\Office10\1033\MSOINTL.DLL
> msvb7.dll Microsoft Visual Basic Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\msvb7.dll
> msvb7ui.dll Visual Basic Resource DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\1033\msvb7ui.dll
> msvbprjUI.dll Visual Basic Project DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Vb7\Bin\1033\msvbprjUI.dll
> msvcp60.dll Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library Microsoft
> Corporation 6.05.2144.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcp60.dll
> msvcp70.dll Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library Microsoft
> Corporation 7.00.9466.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcp70.dll
> msvcp71.dll Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library Microsoft
> Corporation 8.00.21213.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcp71.dll
> msvcr70.dll Microsoft® C Runtime Library Microsoft
> Corporation 7.00.9466.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcr70.dll
> msvcr71.dll Microsoft® C Runtime Library Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3052.0004 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\msvcr71.dll
> msvcrt.dll Windows NT CRT DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 7.00.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll
> msxml3.dll MSXML 3.0 SP 4 Microsoft
> Corporation 8.40.9419.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml3.dll
> msxml3r.dll XML Resources Microsoft
> Corporation 8.20.8730.0001 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml3r.dll
> netapi32.dll Net Win32 API DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\netapi32.dll
> netmsg.dll Net Messages DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\netmsg.dll
> NMCtiSlnExt.dll DevPartner Studio CTI Solution Extender VS.NET Compuware
> Corporation 7.01.0000.0521 C:\Program Files\Common
> Files\Compuware\NMShared\NMCtiSlnExt.dll
> NMCtiSlnExtUI.dll DevPartner Studio CTI Solution Extender VS.NET Compuware
> Corporation 7.01.0000.0521 C:\Program Files\Common
> Files\Compuware\NMShared\1033\NMCtiSlnExtUI.dll
> ntdll.dll NT Layer DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
> ntmarta.dll Windows NT MARTA provider Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntmarta.dll
> odbc32.dll Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Driver Manager Microsoft
> Corporation 3.525.1022.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\odbc32.dll
> odbcint.dll Microsoft Data Access - ODBC Resources Microsoft
> Corporation 3.525.1022.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\odbcint.dll
> ole32.dll Microsoft OLE for Windows Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0138 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll
> oleacc.dll Active Accessibility Core Component Microsoft
> Corporation 4.02.5406.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\oleacc.dll
> oleaccrc.dll Active Accessibility Resource DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 4.02.5406.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\oleaccrc.dll
> oleaut32.dll Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\oleaut32.dll
> oledlg.dll Microsoft Windows(TM) OLE 2.0 User Interface Support Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\oledlg.dll
> psapi.dll Process Status Helper Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\psapi.dll
> R000000000029.clb C:\WINDOWS\Registration\R000000000029.clb
> RICHED20.DLL Rich Text Edit Control, v4.0 Microsoft
> Corporation 5.40.0011.2212 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
> Shared\Office10\RICHED20.DLL
> rpcrt4.dll Remote Procedure Call Runtime Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0137 C:\WINDOWS\system32\rpcrt4.dll
> rsaenh.dll Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll
> RTSUltraMonHook.dll Hook DLL for Realtime Soft UltraMon Realtime
> Soft 2.05.0022.0000 C:\Program Files\UltraMon\RTSUltraMonHook.dll
> RTSUltraMonHookRes.dll UltraMon Resource DLL Realtime
> Soft 2.02.0017.0001 C:\Program
> Files\UltraMon\Resources\en\RTSUltraMonHookRes.dll
> samlib.dll SAM Library DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\samlib.dll
> secur32.dll Security Support Provider Interface Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\secur32.dll
> setupapi.dll Windows Setup API Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\setupapi.dll
> shell32.dll Windows Shell Common Dll Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll
> shfolder.dll Shell Folder Service Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\shfolder.dll
> shlwapi.dll Shell Light-weight Utility Library Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\shlwapi.dll
> sortkey.nlp C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\sortkey.nlp
> sortkey.nls C:\WINDOWS\system32\sortkey.nls
> sorttbls.nlp C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\sorttbls.nlp
> sorttbls.nls C:\WINDOWS\system32\sorttbls.nls
> stdole2.tlb Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\stdole2.tlb
> sxs.dll Fusion 2.5 Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\sxs.dll
> System.Design.dll Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> System.dll System.dll Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> System.dll
> system.drawing.dll System.Drawing.dll Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> system.drawing.dll
> System.Drawing.tlb System.Drawing.dll Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> System.tlb System.dll Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> system.web.dll System.Web.dll Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> System.Windows.Forms.dll Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> System.Windows.Forms.tlb System.Windows.Forms.dll Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> system.xml.dll System.Xml.dll Microsoft
> Corporation 1.01.4322.0573
> system.xml.dll
> tahoma.ttf C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\tahoma.ttf
> tahomabd.ttf C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\tahomabd.ttf
> TCPkg.dll DevPartner Coverage Analysis Package Compuware
> Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
> Studio\Analysis\TCPkg.dll
> TTPkg.dll DevPartner Performance Analysis Package Compuware
> Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
> Studio\Analysis\TTPkg.dll
> TXCOMps.dll DevPartner Tx Communications Library Compuware
> Corporation 7.01.0000.0771 C:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner
> Studio\Analysis\TXCOMps.dll
> UMLVSUI.DLL Visio UML modeling for VS7 language pack. Microsoft
> Corporation 11.00.3216.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft
> Office\Visio11\1033\UMLVSUI.DLL
> unicode.nls C:\WINDOWS\system32\unicode.nls
> urlmon.dll OLE32 Extensions for Win32 Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0115 C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll
> user32.dll Windows USER API Client DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0073 C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll
> userenv.dll Userenv Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\userenv.dll
> usp10.dll Uniscribe Unicode script processor Microsoft
> Corporation 1.421.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\usp10.dll
> uxtheme.dll Microsoft UxTheme Library Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll
> vavsaui.dll Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Visual System Analyzer
> Package Microsoft Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft
> Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Tools\Analyzer\VAPkg\1033\vavsaui.dll
> vdt70p.dll Microsoft Visual Database Tools Package 7.00 Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\Tools\VDT\vdt70p.dll
> vdt70pui.dll Microsoft Visual Database Tools Package 7.00 Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\Tools\VDT\1033\vdt70pui.dll
> vdt70pui.dll Microsoft Visual Database Tools Package 7.00 Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\Tools\VDT\1033\vdt70pui.dll
> version.dll Version Checking and File Installation Libraries Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\version.dll
> VisualStudioTeamCore.dll Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Team Core
> Package Microsoft Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft
> Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\IDE\VS SCC\VisualStudioTeamCore.dll
> VisualStudioTeamCoreui.dll Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Team Core
> Package Microsoft Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft
> Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\IDE\VS SCC\1033\VisualStudioTeamCoreui.dll
> Vsa7Director.dll Microsoft Visual Basic Design Time Engine
> Director Microsoft Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Common
> Files\Microsoft Shared\VSA\7.1\Common\Vsa7Director.dll
> vsavb7dt.dll Microsoft Visual Basic Design-Time Scripting Engine Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
> Shared\VSA\7.1\Common\vsavb7dt.dll
> vsavb7dt.dll Microsoft Visual Basic Design-Time Scripting Engine Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
> Shared\VSA\7.1\Common\vsavb7dt.dll
> vsavb7dtui.dll Microsoft Visual Basic Design-Time Scripting Engine
> Resources Microsoft Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Common
> Files\Microsoft Shared\VSA\7.1\Common\1033\vsavb7dtui.dll
> vsbrowse.dll Visual Studio WebBrowser Package Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\vsbrowse.dll
> vsbrowseui.dll Visual Studio WebBrowser Package Resources Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\1033\vsbrowseui.dll
> vsdebug.dll Microsoft Visual Studio Debugger Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\Packages\Debugger\vsdebug.dll
> VSDebugUI.dll Visual Studio Debugger Package Resources Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\Packages\Debugger\1033\VSDebugUI.dll
> vsdebugui.dll Visual Studio Debugger Package Resources Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\Packages\Debugger\1033\vsdebugui.dll
> vslangproj.dll The metadata wrapper for VSLangProj.tlb Microsoft
> Corporation 7.00.9466.0000
> vsmacros.dll Microsoft Design Tools - Framework Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\vsmacros.dll
> vsmacros.dll Microsoft Design Tools - Framework Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\vsmacros.dll
> vsmacrosui.dll Microsoft Design Tools - Framework Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\1033\vsmacrosui.dll
> vsmsvrp.dll vsmsvr Package Proxy Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft
> Shared\VSA\7.1\VsaEnv\vsmsvrp.dll
> vsscc.dll Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Source Control Package Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\VS SCC\vsscc.dll
> vssccui.dll Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Source Control Package Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\VS SCC\1033\vssccui.dll
> vssccui.dll Microsoft(R) Visual Studio Source Control Package Microsoft
> Corporation 7.10.3077.0000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
> 2003\Common7\IDE\VS SCC\1033\vssccui.dll
> wdmaud.drv WDM Audio driver mapper Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdmaud.drv
> wininet.dll Internet Extensions for Win32 Microsoft
> Corporation 6.00.3790.0118 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wininet.dll
> winmm.dll MCI API DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\winmm.dll
> winspool.drv Windows Spooler Driver Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\winspool.drv
> wldap32.dll Win32 LDAP API DLL Microsoft
> Corporation 5.02.3790.0000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wldap32.dll
> XMPrjUI.dll DwPrj Package Resources Corel
> Corporation 4.00.0004.0382 C:\Program Files\Corel\XMetaL
> 4\Developer\Bin\1033\XMPrjUI.dll|||I'm afraid I ran out of patience with this and haven't really had the time
to devote to it. So it's still not working for me. I suspect Corel
XMetaL but that may be unfounded. I was going to try on a newly prepared
machine with/without XMetaL, but the time it takes to install everything
is just too depressing..! But I will if things dry up and will post here
if I have any luck.
Please do the same if you get anywhere. Sorry I can't be any help.
On Thu, 2 Sep 2004 07:35:04 -0700, Nicolas
<> wrote:
> I have the same problem, and have had it since starting to use Reporting
> Services on this machine. This is on a standalone test PC with WinXP SP2,
> SS2k SP3a, Office 2003 SP1 & VS2003 (all new installs on reformatted
> partitions). I have yet to install RS SP1 given the problems listed in
> this
> discussion group.
> Could you provide simple instructions for identifying & resolving this
> problem?
> Thank you.|||try this :