Friday, February 24, 2012

excel vba to generate flat file definition

What object do I reference to use SSIS from Excel. I want to generate a flat file definition based on Excel. I have a lot of fields to import and I don't feel like creating them as flat file columns. I have a few tables and I get the source file format from the vendor in an Excel format. What I would like to do is generate a flat file connection in an empty package using VBA.

I don't think this is possible. VBA is a COM based environment whereas the SSIS API is dotnet.

I stand to be corrected. If there is a way of calling dotnet APIs from VBA then I don't know about it.


|||As Jamie notes, our documentation is aimed at using the SSIS API through managed code. Using the native API is unsupported. You might be able to work backwards from the managed examples, though, if you're feeling adventurous. I'd suggest you start here:

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