Sunday, February 19, 2012

Excel Source Returning NULL

I've a package that has a excel source. But i'm having a strange problem with it. One of the columns in the source file have a lot of null values but not all of them. But when i run the package a put a data viewer right after the source and i can see that it's showing that the few fields that should have values are also null. I've tried a lot of things but they didn't work. I need some help and fast if possible.
Example: Source file.xls
Name Grade OtherGrade
John 30 30.23
In the DataViewer
Name Grade OtherGrade
John 30 NULL


Adriano Coura

Try setting IMEX=1 in your Excel connection properties.|||I've tried to put in the extended properties of the connection string the value IMEX=1 and it does return a value but it takes the decimal cases of. LIke 13,98 becomes 1398. Amazing.|||

I have never heard of decimal points being stripped out.

Are you in fact in a locale that uses the comma rather than the period as in US settings? (One of your messages shows the dot, the other message shows a comma.) If regional settings seem to be an issue, I would be inclined to try an OLE DB Connection Manager and set Locale ID, or to add "Locale Identifier=nnn" to your Excel connection string.



abcoura wrote:

I've tried to put in the extended properties of the connection string the value IMEX=1 and it does return a value but it takes the decimal cases of. LIke 13,98 becomes 1398. Amazing.

This seems to indicate to me that perhaps the data isn't stored as a number, but rather it has a format applied to it in Excel. Can you confirm or deny this?|||The regional settings are all ok. i may have write two diferent things but that′s not the problem. But it was something like Phil said, sometimes the SSIS consider the column number and sometimes text. In the excel they are all number. But its working now. Thanks for all the replys they're very useful.

Thanks Again|||I will take advantage of this tread to ask the important question about the problem. Here in Brazil the id of a person can come with ou without letters like: m11.333.444 or 11.333.444. So if i have a column and in the first 8 rows i got 5 with only numbers and 3 with letters. So the excel source handle the column as double and put nulls on every row that got a letter in it. I'm thinking if there's a way to always consider the column as text, avoiding the problem with looking to the values as double. Anybody can help solve this question. And putting the excel in order by the value so that the ones with a letter come first doesn't count.

Thanks in Advance.|||You need to override the "guess" of the Excel data type and set it to a text string.|||

IMEX=1. Please see Phil's response earlier in this thread.


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