I always recieve the first character of the OUTPUT string. I have tried chaning the data type of the parameter mapping [AnsiString, String, etc.] and I have tried changing the data type of the OUTPUT parameter [varchar, char, nvarchar, nchar]
In each case, only the frist character of the output value is returned and subsequently passed to the next SSIS component / task.
Any ideas why this value is truncated?It is a String.
One of the previous replies indicated that there is a max lenght on the variable, but I do not see where to set this length. Any further information on the issue is appreciated.
jloper wrote:
One of the previous replies indicated that there is a max lenght on the variable, but I do not see where to set this length. Any further information on the issue is appreciated.
Ignore that, I was wrong. Sorry!
Note to self: Check out your answers before posting them!
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