Tuesday, March 27, 2012

EXEC Query Performance

I am running into a situation where a program runs a stored procedure, within that stored procedure a SQL statement is built and then executed using the EXEC command. It looks like that when the generated statement exceeds a certain time threshold, the stored procedure exits without any warning.
I know there is no warning because I have run profiler and I get a statement start time but no end time. I have also logged every step in the stored procedure and it just bails on me. Any ideas?How are you executing the original SP, and have you tried
it in QA ?
>--Original Message--
>I am running into a situation where a program runs a
stored procedure, within that stored procedure a SQL
statement is built and then executed using the EXEC
command. It looks like that when the generated statement
exceeds a certain time threshold, the stored procedure
exits without any warning.
>I know there is no warning because I have run profiler
and I get a statement start time but no end time. I have
also logged every step in the stored procedure and it just
bails on me. Any ideas?
>|||Your connection timeout setting is probably too low. Try adjusting it.
Andrew J. Kelly SQL MVP
"Dan" <Dan@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> I am running into a situation where a program runs a stored procedure,
within that stored procedure a SQL statement is built and then executed
using the EXEC command. It looks like that when the generated statement
exceeds a certain time threshold, the stored procedure exits without any
> I know there is no warning because I have run profiler and I get a
statement start time but no end time. I have also logged every step in the
stored procedure and it just bails on me. Any ideas?|||You don't actually set the timeout and by default I believe it is set to 30
seconds. This should help with that:
But you also want to optimize these queries so they don't take so long to
begin with. Using stored procedures with parameters instead of adhoc sql is
a good start.
Andrew J. Kelly SQL MVP
"Daniel Avsec" <DanielAvsec@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> Andrew, that is what I am thinking too. I have finally gotten a hold of
the code the developer uses to call this. Can any of you see anything wrong
with this code?
> Dim cnTemp As Connection
> Dim rsTemp As Recordset '--ADODB.Recordset
> Dim strSQL As String
> Set cnTemp = New ADODB.Connection
> Set rsTemp = New ADODB.Recordset
> cnTemp.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data
Source=PowerWare2000;Initial Catalog=PWProd; User
> cnTemp.Open
> strSQL = "Exec " & SP_CreatePrintJob & " " & JobTicketNr
> rsTemp.CursorLocation = adUseClient
> rsTemp.CursorType = adOpenStatic
> rsTemp.LockType = adLockOptimistic
> rsTemp.Open strSQL, cnTemp, , , adCmdText
> "Andrew J. Kelly" wrote:
> > Your connection timeout setting is probably too low. Try adjusting it.
> >
> > --
> > Andrew J. Kelly SQL MVP
> >
> >
> > "Dan" <Dan@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> > news:DDE31E4A-8E88-4F76-90EE-6D04541D13C5@.microsoft.com...
> > > I am running into a situation where a program runs a stored procedure,
> > within that stored procedure a SQL statement is built and then executed
> > using the EXEC command. It looks like that when the generated statement
> > exceeds a certain time threshold, the stored procedure exits without any
> > warning.
> > >
> > > I know there is no warning because I have run profiler and I get a
> > statement start time but no end time. I have also logged every step in
> > stored procedure and it just bails on me. Any ideas?
> >
> >
> >

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