Friday, March 9, 2012


When I am in my publications folder and I attempt to add
a new publication, I get... 'Error 5: [SQL-DMO]Code
Execution exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION' after I
click next for the first time. If I click OK in the
error box, there are no publication databases listed.
what happens when you try to create the publication using the replication
stored procedures?
I would advise you to try to remove replication as something seems to be
hosed here. Removing and reinstalling replication frequently solves these
types of errors.
Hilary Cotter
Looking for a book on SQL Server replication?
"harry" <> wrote in message
> When I am in my publications folder and I attempt to add
> a new publication, I get... 'Error 5: [SQL-DMO]Code
> Execution exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION' after I
> click next for the first time. If I click OK in the
> error box, there are no publication databases listed.
> HELP!!!!
|||removing replication and reinstalled replication and this
did the trick.

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