Friday, March 9, 2012


I have two different Production Servers which are creating SQLDump00*** files.
I suspect the issue is to do with Paralellism. As on one of the servers I
set the MAXDOP to 1 and it has cured the problem.
Someone in my office seems to think the issue has something to do with
language_exec as it appears in all the logs. Can someone please tell me what
this term means.
The error in event view is:
SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 81 generated fatal exception c0000005
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.
The Dump file generates:
================================================== ===================
BugCheck Dump
================================================== ===================
This file is generated by Microsoft SQL Server 8.00.760
upon detection of fatal unexpected error. Please return this file,
the query or program that produced the bugcheck, the database and
the error log, and any other pertinent information with a Service Request.
Computer type is AT/AT COMPATIBLE.
Current time is 08:40:42 04/28/05.
8 Intel x86 level 15, 1999 Mhz processor(s).
Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 CSD Service Pack 4.
MemoryLoad = 78%
Total Physical = 3775 MB
Available Physical = 794 MB
Total Page File = 5669 MB
Available Page File = 2663 MB
Total Virtual = 3071 MB
Available Virtual = 265 MB
*Stack Dump being sent to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
************************************************** ***************************
* 04/28/05 08:40:42 spid 70
* Exception Address = 00662572 (udf::udf + 00000127 Line 0+00000000)
* Exception Code = c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
* Access Violation occurred reading address 00000000
* Input Buffer 4088 bytes -
* SELECT repExposureCust."HostName", repExposureCust."PortfolioClassSort",
* repExposureCust."PortfolioClass", repExposureCust."CustID", repExposure
* Cust."PfolCustCode", repExposureCust."PfolCustName", repExposureCust."Pf
* olProdName", repExposureCust."PfolBranName", repExposureCust."PfolCptyCo
* de", repExposureCust."PfolPGRatCode", repExposureCust."ItemClassID", rep
* ExposureCust."PfolItemClass", repExposureCust."PortfolioID", repExposure
* Cust."MeasureID", repExposureCust."DataMonth", repExposureCust."DaysInEx
* cess", repExposureCust."LimMax01", repExposureCust."LimMin01", repExposu
* reCust."ExpMax01", repExposureCust."ExpMin01", repExposureCust."ExpAvg01
* ", repExposureCust."LimMax02", repExposureCust."LimMin02", repExposureCu
* st."ExpMax02", repExposureCust."ExpMin02", repExposureCust."ExpAvg02", r
* epExposureCust."LimMax03", repExposureCust."LimMin03", repExposureCust."
* ExpMax03", repExposureCust."ExpMin03", repExposureCust."ExpAvg03", repEx
* posureCust."LimMax04", repExposureCust."LimMin04", repExposureCust."ExpM
* ax04", repExposureCust."ExpMin04", repExposureCust."ExpAvg04", repExposu
* reCust."LimMax05", repExposureCust."LimMin05", repExposureCust."ExpMax05
* ", repExposureCust."ExpMin05", repExposureCust."ExpAvg05", repExposureCu
* st."LimMax06", repExposureCust."LimMin06", repExposureCust."ExpMax06", r
* epExposureCust."ExpMin06", repExposureCust."ExpAvg06", repExposureCust."
* LimMax07", repExposureCust."LimMin07", repExposureCust."ExpMax07", repEx
* posureCust."ExpMin07", repExposureCust."ExpAvg07", repExposureCust."LimM
* ax08", repExposureCust."LimMin08", repExposureCust."ExpMax08", repExposu
* reCust."ExpMin08", repExposureCust."ExpAvg08", repExposureCust."LimMax09
* ", repExposureCust."LimMin09", repExposureCust."ExpMax09", repExposureCu
* st."ExpMin09", repExposureCust."ExpAvg09", repExposureCust."LimMax10", r
* epExposureCust."LimMin10", repExposureCust."ExpMax10", repExposureCust."
* ExpMin10", repExposureCust."ExpAvg10", repExposureCust."Measure", repExp
* osureCust."LimitAttribute", repExposureCust."LimCurrSpot", repExposureCu
* st."ChecksClassSymbol", repE
* sqlservr 00400000 00B2CFFF 0072d000
* ntdll 77F80000 77FFCFFF 0007d000
* KERNEL32 7C570000 7C627FFF 000b8000
* ADVAPI32 7C2D0000 7C331FFF 00062000
* RPCRT4 77D30000 77D9DFFF 0006e000
* USER32 77E10000 77E74FFF 00065000
* GDI32 77F40000 77F7DFFF 0003e000
* OPENDS60 41060000 41065FFF 00006000
* MSVCRT 78000000 78044FFF 00045000
* UMS 41070000 4107CFFF 0000d000
* SQLSORT 42AE0000 42B6FFFF 00090000
* MSVCIRT 780A0000 780B1FFF 00012000
* tsappcmp 77630000 7763EFFF 0000f000
* sqlevn70 41080000 41086FFF 00007000
* NETAPI32 035B0000 035FEFFF 0004f000
* SECUR32 03600000 0360EFFF 0000f000
* NETRAP 03610000 03615FFF 00006000
* SAMLIB 03620000 0362EFFF 0000f000
* WS2_32 03630000 03643FFF 00014000
* WS2HELP 03650000 03657FFF 00008000
* WLDAP32 03660000 03689FFF 0002a000
* DNSAPI 03690000 036B3FFF 00024000
* WSOCK32 036C0000 036C7FFF 00008000
* ole32 03CB0000 03D9BFFF 000ec000
* XOLEHLP 03DA0000 03DA7FFF 00008000
* MSDTCPRX 03DB0000 03E63FFF 000b4000
* MTXCLU 03E70000 03E7FFFF 00010000
* VERSION 03E80000 03E86FFF 00007000
* LZ32 03E90000 03E95FFF 00006000
* CLUSAPI 03EA0000 03EAFFFF 00010000
* RESUTILS 03EB0000 03EBCFFF 0000d000
* USERENV 03EC0000 03F20FFF 00061000
* rnr20 03F30000 03F3BFFF 0000c000
* iphlpapi 03F80000 03F92FFF 00013000
* ICMP 03FA0000 03FA4FFF 00005000
* MPRAPI 03FB0000 03FC6FFF 00017000
* OLEAUT32 03FD0000 0406AFFF 0009b000
* ACTIVEDS 04070000 0409EFFF 0002f000
* ADSLDPC 040A0000 040C2FFF 00023000
* RTUTILS 040D0000 040DDFFF 0000e000
* SETUPAPI 040E0000 0416DFFF 0008e000
* RASAPI32 04170000 041A2FFF 00033000
* RASMAN 041B0000 041C0FFF 00011000
* TAPI32 041D0000 041F1FFF 00022000
* COMCTL32 04200000 04289FFF 0008a000
* SHLWAPI 04290000 042F3FFF 00064000
* DHCPCSVC 04300000 04318FFF 00019000
* winrnr 047C0000 047C7FFF 00008000
* rasadhlp 047D0000 047D4FFF 00005000
* SSNMPN70 00BF0000 00BF5FFF 00006000
* SSNETLIB 00C00000 00C14FFF 00015000
* security 05280000 05283FFF 00004000
* msafd 05290000 052ADFFF 0001e000
* wshtcpip 052F0000 052F6FFF 00007000
* SSmsLPCn 05300000 05306FFF 00007000
* ntdsapi 05780000 05790FFF 00011000
* mswsock 05420000 05431FFF 00012000
* kerberos 057B0000 057E5FFF 00036000
* CRYPTDLL 057F0000 057FDFFF 0000e000
* MSASN1 05800000 0580FFFF 00010000
* rsabase 00C70000 00C92FFF 00023000
* CRYPT32 05320000 053A6FFF 00087000
* SQLFTQRY 05530000 05561FFF 00032000
* CLBCATQ 05DE0000 05E65FFF 00086000
* sqloledb 05E90000 05F02FFF 00073000
* MSDART 05570000 0558EFFF 0001f000
* comdlg32 05F10000 05F4DFFF 0003e000
* SHELL32 05F50000 06197FFF 00248000
* MSDATL3 061A0000 061B4FFF 00015000
* oledb32 06840000 068A5FFF 00066000
* OLEDB32R 05590000 0559FFFF 00010000
* msv1_0 06950000 06970FFF 00021000
* xpsqlbot 06940000 06945FFF 00006000
* xpstar 069C0000 06A06FFF 00047000
* SQLRESLD 06930000 06936FFF 00007000
* SQLSVC 06A10000 06A26FFF 00017000
* ODBC32 06A30000 06A60FFF 00031000
* odbcbcp 06A70000 06A75FFF 00006000
* W95SCM 06A80000 06A8BFFF 0000c000
* SQLUNIRL 06A90000 06ABCFFF 0002d000
* WINSPOOL 06AC0000 06ADDFFF 0001e000
* MPR 06AE0000 06AEFFFF 00010000
* SHFOLDER 06AF0000 06AF7FFF 00008000
* odbcint 06DC0000 06DD5FFF 00016000
* NDDEAPI 06DE0000 06DE6FFF 00007000
* SQLSVC 06DF0000 06DF5FFF 00006000
* xpstar 06E00000 06E08FFF 00009000
* xplog70 00C50000 00C61FFF 00012000
* xplog70 00CA0000 00CA3FFF 00004000
* xp_crs 07230000 07286FFF 00057000
* borlndmm 053F0000 053FAFFF 0000b000
* olepro32 067F0000 06818FFF 00029000
* comsvcs 09300000 0946AFFF 0016b000
* TxfAux 07830000 07893FFF 00064000
* mtxoci 07330000 07352FFF 00023000
* rsaenh 07510000 07532FFF 00023000
* sqlmap70 06780000 067A9FFF 0002a000
* MAPI32 067B0000 067D0FFF 00021000
* MSMAPI32 080D0000 08197FFF 000c8000
* GAPI32 04A60000 04A77FFF 00018000
* EMSABP32 07540000 07563FFF 00024000
* contab32 07190000 071ADFFF 0001e000
* EMSMDB32 09670000 096FEFFF 0008f000
* adsldp 04A20000 04A41FFF 00022000
* adsmsext 06740000 06751FFF 00012000
* dbghelp 08B70000 08C24FFF 000b5000
* Edi: 927AB5F0: 927AA018 927ABFF0 00000000 00000000 00000000
* Esi: 00000000:
* Eax: 927AB5F0: 927AA018 927ABFF0 00000000 00000000 00000000
* Ebx: 927AB4D0: 00380038 000A0004 00000000 00000000 00000002
* Ecx: 00000006:
* Edx: 000009E8:
* Eip: 00662572: 758BA5F3 33A5EBF0 A6DBE9C0 75FFFFDF 0C75FF10
* Ebp: 06FBA758: 06FBA7AC 005CE635 20642310 2249A030 06FBA82C
* SegCs: 0000001B:
* EFlags: 00010246: 004F0052 00520047 007E0041 005C0031 00450056
* Esp: 06FBA724: 2249A030 927AB4D0 927AB480 00380038 000A0004
* SegSs: 00000023:
************************************************** ***************************
* Short Stack Dump
* 00662572 Module(sqlservr+00262572) (udf::udf+00000127)
* 005CE635 Module(sqlservr+001CE635) (CSteUdf::CSteUdf+00000077)
* 0075A864 Module(sqlservr+0035A864) (CScaOp_Udf::PqteConvert+000000BF)
The query at the top of te dump file is always the same or at least the bit
that is not truncated is. The bizarre thing is that if you run the query by
hand it runs just fine.
Does anyone have any suggestions or thoughts.
Thanks in advance for any advice offered
How I hate those errors ;)
Normally its to do with one of the SQL Server resources failing, or at least
SQL Server thinking its failed.
When it happened to us I set the Affinity Mask to 0 and after that it worked.
Good Luck
"jimmy" wrote:

> I have two different Production Servers which are creating SQLDump00*** files.
> I suspect the issue is to do with Paralellism. As on one of the servers I
> set the MAXDOP to 1 and it has cured the problem.
> Someone in my office seems to think the issue has something to do with
> language_exec as it appears in all the logs. Can someone please tell me what
> this term means.
> The error in event view is:
> SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 81 generated fatal exception c0000005
> EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.
> The Dump file generates:
> ================================================== ===================
> BugCheck Dump
> ================================================== ===================
> This file is generated by Microsoft SQL Server 8.00.760
> upon detection of fatal unexpected error. Please return this file,
> the query or program that produced the bugcheck, the database and
> the error log, and any other pertinent information with a Service Request.
> Computer type is AT/AT COMPATIBLE.
> Current time is 08:40:42 04/28/05.
> 8 Intel x86 level 15, 1999 Mhz processor(s).
> Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 CSD Service Pack 4.
> Memory
> MemoryLoad = 78%
> Total Physical = 3775 MB
> Available Physical = 794 MB
> Total Page File = 5669 MB
> Available Page File = 2663 MB
> Total Virtual = 3071 MB
> Available Virtual = 265 MB
> *Stack Dump being sent to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
> Server\MSSQL\log\SQLDu
> mp0041.txt
> *
> ************************************************** ***************************
> **
> *
> * 04/28/05 08:40:42 spid 70
> *
> * Exception Address = 00662572 (udf::udf + 00000127 Line 0+00000000)
> * Exception Code = c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
> * Access Violation occurred reading address 00000000
> * Input Buffer 4088 bytes -
> * SELECT repExposureCust."HostName", repExposureCust."PortfolioClassSort",
> * repExposureCust."PortfolioClass", repExposureCust."CustID", repExposure
> * Cust."PfolCustCode", repExposureCust."PfolCustName", repExposureCust."Pf
> * olProdName", repExposureCust."PfolBranName", repExposureCust."PfolCptyCo
> * de", repExposureCust."PfolPGRatCode", repExposureCust."ItemClassID", rep
> * ExposureCust."PfolItemClass", repExposureCust."PortfolioID", repExposure
> * Cust."MeasureID", repExposureCust."DataMonth", repExposureCust."DaysInEx
> * cess", repExposureCust."LimMax01", repExposureCust."LimMin01", repExposu
> * reCust."ExpMax01", repExposureCust."ExpMin01", repExposureCust."ExpAvg01
> * ", repExposureCust."LimMax02", repExposureCust."LimMin02", repExposureCu
> * st."ExpMax02", repExposureCust."ExpMin02", repExposureCust."ExpAvg02", r
> * epExposureCust."LimMax03", repExposureCust."LimMin03", repExposureCust."
> * ExpMax03", repExposureCust."ExpMin03", repExposureCust."ExpAvg03", repEx
> * posureCust."LimMax04", repExposureCust."LimMin04", repExposureCust."ExpM
> * ax04", repExposureCust."ExpMin04", repExposureCust."ExpAvg04", repExposu
> * reCust."LimMax05", repExposureCust."LimMin05", repExposureCust."ExpMax05
> * ", repExposureCust."ExpMin05", repExposureCust."ExpAvg05", repExposureCu
> * st."LimMax06", repExposureCust."LimMin06", repExposureCust."ExpMax06", r
> * epExposureCust."ExpMin06", repExposureCust."ExpAvg06", repExposureCust."
> * LimMax07", repExposureCust."LimMin07", repExposureCust."ExpMax07", repEx
> * posureCust."ExpMin07", repExposureCust."ExpAvg07", repExposureCust."LimM
> * ax08", repExposureCust."LimMin08", repExposureCust."ExpMax08", repExposu
> * reCust."ExpMin08", repExposureCust."ExpAvg08", repExposureCust."LimMax09
> * ", repExposureCust."LimMin09", repExposureCust."ExpMax09", repExposureCu
> * st."ExpMin09", repExposureCust."ExpAvg09", repExposureCust."LimMax10", r
> * epExposureCust."LimMin10", repExposureCust."ExpMax10", repExposureCust."
> * ExpMin10", repExposureCust."ExpAvg10", repExposureCust."Measure", repExp
> * osureCust."LimitAttribute", repExposureCust."LimCurrSpot", repExposureCu
> * st."ChecksClassSymbol", repE
> *
> *
> * sqlservr 00400000 00B2CFFF 0072d000
> * ntdll 77F80000 77FFCFFF 0007d000
> * KERNEL32 7C570000 7C627FFF 000b8000
> * ADVAPI32 7C2D0000 7C331FFF 00062000
> * RPCRT4 77D30000 77D9DFFF 0006e000
> * USER32 77E10000 77E74FFF 00065000
> * GDI32 77F40000 77F7DFFF 0003e000
> * OPENDS60 41060000 41065FFF 00006000
> * MSVCRT 78000000 78044FFF 00045000
> * UMS 41070000 4107CFFF 0000d000
> * SQLSORT 42AE0000 42B6FFFF 00090000
> * MSVCIRT 780A0000 780B1FFF 00012000
> * tsappcmp 77630000 7763EFFF 0000f000
> * sqlevn70 41080000 41086FFF 00007000
> * NETAPI32 035B0000 035FEFFF 0004f000
> * SECUR32 03600000 0360EFFF 0000f000
> * NETRAP 03610000 03615FFF 00006000
> * SAMLIB 03620000 0362EFFF 0000f000
> * WS2_32 03630000 03643FFF 00014000
> * WS2HELP 03650000 03657FFF 00008000
> * WLDAP32 03660000 03689FFF 0002a000
> * DNSAPI 03690000 036B3FFF 00024000
> * WSOCK32 036C0000 036C7FFF 00008000
> * ole32 03CB0000 03D9BFFF 000ec000
> * XOLEHLP 03DA0000 03DA7FFF 00008000
> * MSDTCPRX 03DB0000 03E63FFF 000b4000
> * MTXCLU 03E70000 03E7FFFF 00010000
> * VERSION 03E80000 03E86FFF 00007000
> * LZ32 03E90000 03E95FFF 00006000
> * CLUSAPI 03EA0000 03EAFFFF 00010000
> * RESUTILS 03EB0000 03EBCFFF 0000d000
> * USERENV 03EC0000 03F20FFF 00061000
> * rnr20 03F30000 03F3BFFF 0000c000
> * iphlpapi 03F80000 03F92FFF 00013000
> * ICMP 03FA0000 03FA4FFF 00005000
> * MPRAPI 03FB0000 03FC6FFF 00017000
> * OLEAUT32 03FD0000 0406AFFF 0009b000
> * ACTIVEDS 04070000 0409EFFF 0002f000
> * ADSLDPC 040A0000 040C2FFF 00023000
> * RTUTILS 040D0000 040DDFFF 0000e000
> * SETUPAPI 040E0000 0416DFFF 0008e000
> * RASAPI32 04170000 041A2FFF 00033000
> * RASMAN 041B0000 041C0FFF 00011000
> * TAPI32 041D0000 041F1FFF 00022000
> * COMCTL32 04200000 04289FFF 0008a000
> * SHLWAPI 04290000 042F3FFF 00064000
> * DHCPCSVC 04300000 04318FFF 00019000
> * winrnr 047C0000 047C7FFF 00008000
> * rasadhlp 047D0000 047D4FFF 00005000
> * SSNMPN70 00BF0000 00BF5FFF 00006000
> * SSNETLIB 00C00000 00C14FFF 00015000
> * security 05280000 05283FFF 00004000
> * msafd 05290000 052ADFFF 0001e000
> * wshtcpip 052F0000 052F6FFF 00007000
> * SSmsLPCn 05300000 05306FFF 00007000
> * ntdsapi 05780000 05790FFF 00011000
> * mswsock 05420000 05431FFF 00012000
> * kerberos 057B0000 057E5FFF 00036000
> * CRYPTDLL 057F0000 057FDFFF 0000e000
> * MSASN1 05800000 0580FFFF 00010000
> * rsabase 00C70000 00C92FFF 00023000
> * CRYPT32 05320000 053A6FFF 00087000
> * SQLFTQRY 05530000 05561FFF 00032000
> * CLBCATQ 05DE0000 05E65FFF 00086000
> * sqloledb 05E90000 05F02FFF 00073000
> * MSDART 05570000 0558EFFF 0001f000
> * comdlg32 05F10000 05F4DFFF 0003e000
> * SHELL32 05F50000 06197FFF 00248000
> * MSDATL3 061A0000 061B4FFF 00015000
> * oledb32 06840000 068A5FFF 00066000
> * OLEDB32R 05590000 0559FFFF 00010000
> * msv1_0 06950000 06970FFF 00021000
> * xpsqlbot 06940000 06945FFF 00006000
> * xpstar 069C0000 06A06FFF 00047000
> * SQLRESLD 06930000 06936FFF 00007000
> * SQLSVC 06A10000 06A26FFF 00017000
> * ODBC32 06A30000 06A60FFF 00031000
> * odbcbcp 06A70000 06A75FFF 00006000
> * W95SCM 06A80000 06A8BFFF 0000c000
> * SQLUNIRL 06A90000 06ABCFFF 0002d000

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